A Strange Turn Of Events

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The next day Starscream and Knock Out were able to go back to the base but were both told to take it easy.

Right now the Autobots were trying to do two things figure out who the killer was. And track down Pharma to bring him to justice.

When suddenly they heard a fight going on somewhere near the base. And spotted two femmes battling it out. One they recognized as Arachnid the other was a white and purple seeker and they were a pretty even match.

Starscream ran out to see what the commotion was and accidentally got the attention of both femmes and they both started attacking him.

Arachnid hit Starscream with her webs and while he was trying to get it off the seeker femme started attacking him. And now seeing that her opponent was now occupied with Starscream Arachnid was going to take the opportunity to end both seekers.

But Arcee surprised her and the two of them were now fighting. While Megatron knocked out the seeker femme from behind.

"Are you ok?" He asked Starscream.

"Yeah I'm fine." Starscream assured him. "But why was that femme so bent on trying to scrap me?"

"Don't know?" Megatron told him.

Then they saw that Arachnid was trying to use her tube to suck Arcee's energon but Optimus managed to hit her from behind rendering her unconscious.

They took both femmes back to base. To treat them and see if they could cure Arachnid from being a Terrorcon. Deciding no one deserved that.

Neither Arcee nore Knock Out were happy about her being there. And Starscream just knew the seeker femme they'd broght there with her was the killer to spite her not having an ion-cannon or blade.

Luckily the other femme hadn't been bitten by Arachnid and Ratchet was able to cure the spider femme of being a Terrorcon.

And tried using a patch on her to find out her intentions for being near the base thinking she might be involved with the killer. Optimus and Megatron stayed to watch and were both surprised and horrified by what they learned.

(In Arachnid's head.)

Arachnid was reliving parts of her past she had long forgotten. It turned out she had once been a seeker.

And in this memory she was flying trying to help evacuate the seeker capital Vos when it was being destroyed. And in the process had been caught in the blast of one of the explosions. And blacked out.

Later she woke up strapped to a table and realized she no longer had her wing they had been replaced by what looked like spider legs.

And she spotted Shockwave working in the lab she was currently in.

"What have you done to me?!" She practically sobbed. "What about Vos and it's people?"

"You were gravely injured in an explosion your wing were beyond repair and we all know seekers do not live long without them so since you were dying anyway I decided you would be the perfect subject for my experament." Shockwave explained.

"And Vos is now nothing but ruble very few seekers made it out alive." He added.

"No!" She cried horrified by what she had been turned into. And spark broken that her home city had been destroyed.

"I used Insecticon parts to salvage you your now more Inspection then seeker." Shockwave explained. "Now the only thing left is to use shadow play to change your personality a Decepticon shouldn't have compassion."

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