Dad!Gaara x Mom!Reader ~ Dad's Song

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The song does not belong to me, it belongs to Set It Off.

(Y/N)'s POV

"So wait, your in a singing competition because of your friends Raiga?" I asked my fifteen year old with amusement.

"Tch." He looked away in embarrassment. "I lost a bet so now I have to sing a song of my choice or made up."

"I don't see any problem in that, you have a great voice." He just looked at me and turned his head away, thinking of a song. After a few minutes, he stood up and walked to his room. I just shrugged and read a book.

Raiga's POV

Dammit, what song should I do hmm. I'll think about it later, I'll just walk around. I disappeared in a whirl of sand to outside of the house and began walking. I turned to the direction to Kazekage Tower, deciding to visit my father. As soon as I got there, I went in.

Walking through the hallways in the building, stopping once I'm at the door to my father's office and knocked.

"Come in." I heard the voice of Dad calling out. I slowly opened the door and my eyes widen slightly. He looked incredibly tired, stressed and irritated. There was paperwork everywhere, even a little mountain. I looked at him concerned.

"Dad are you alright?"

"Yes!" He snapped but the realised what he's said. "Forgive me, I'm just a little stressed Raiga." I smiled and shook my head.

"It's alright, I understand." I then held a stern face. "But please make sure you have a break otherwise Mom will kill you." Dad chuckled and nodded his head. "I'm gonna go now, bye." I heard Dad hum as I walked out the door.

Hmm I still need to think of a song, maybe I'll sing one for Dad, he's been stressed this week and I want to cheer him up and show him my gratitude for raising me.

~Time skip~

Normal POV

It was night time and many people from many different villages have gathered in the leaf village to either watch and enter the competition. (Y/N) has somehow manage to convince Gaara to leave his evil paperwork to go to the leaf and watch Raiga sing.

The Kazekage familty finally found somewhere to sit. The twins were really excited to see their older brother sing as well as Shinki even if he didn't show it.

"Kids calm down please." (Y/N) tried to tell the twins who kept jumping around chanting 'Niisan Niisan!'.

"But mom, Niisan is gonna sing!" Karura squealed.

"Yeah!" Rasa nodded in excitement.

(Y/N) simply chuckled and looked at her husband. Gaara had a faint smile but she frowned when he looked really tired. She sighed knowing that it was the paperwork's fault. She made mental note to talk to Gaara later about taking breaks and getting rest.

The singing competition soon began and everyone was seated. This went until it was late at night. During that time Gaara was fighting sleep, wanting to be awake when Raiga goes on stage. He felt a nudge on his side and looked at (Y/N).

"Gaara just sleep, I'll wake you when it's Raiga's turn." She ordered. Gaara not having the energy to argue simply nodded and laid his head in her lap. 35 minutes later, Raiga was called out to the stage.

Raiga nervously stood on the stage though he did not show it. By then Gaara was awake and his attention was fully on him. Everyone was chatting, so Raiga cleared his throat. This cause everyone to stare at him, making him more nervous then before.

"Um, well this song is dedicated to my Dad because he's been stressed lately and I want to show him my gratitude for raising me. Thank you."

Raiga stood with a guitar in hand, one that was given to him for his 5th birthday by Gaara. Though he wasn't going to use it yet. Raiga took a deep breathe and began.

Do you believe in happy endings?
Or the mendings of human hearts?
Oh, I believe in both, I'm certain
Because these curtains
Are state of the art

If you'd occasionally happen to spy on me
You'd think I'm having one sided conversations
But I hear him talking back
You'd think I may even lack some sanity
But maybe I can't let go

Raiga then slowly looked up to Gaara as he sung the next part.

So I'll say
I finally wrote your song at last
Sorry that this one came out so sad
Every tear I had
Was shed for the man that gave me a better sense
Of life and meaning to motivate
There's no shortcuts to success
I'll wait for his guiding hands
My guardian angel until the very end

Everyone watching were beginning to tear up from listening to such a touching song. Gaara eyes softened as he looked at Raiga, trying his hardest not to cry. Raiga then began using his guitar as he sung the next lines.

I see a cold seat on the couch
Where I remember that just four years ago around December
You sat me down and
Held me next to you so close
How I long for things to be restored
To back when times weren't quite this hard
And record that song you sang to me
Never rang so loud before

Oh, what'd I'd give for just another hug from you
You may be gone, but love will never die

So I'll say
I finally wrote your song at last
Sorry that this one came out so sad
Every tear I had
Was shed for the man that gave me a better sense
Of life and meaning to motivate
There's no shortcuts to success
I'll wait for his guiding hands
My guardian angel until the very end

Tears can't run dry when I start to cry
When I hear people speak of how
You'd be so proud of me

Tears were streaming down his face, His family and friends were shocked at this knowing that he wasn't to shed tears. This made (Y/N) cry, seeing her son cry and from listening to the song he was singing. She looked over to Gaara and saw he was struggling to keep his tears in. She smiled and grabbed his hand, in return Gaara gently squeezed them.

And now I hope this song will reach your ears
That solved all my darkest fears
I once was blind, but now it's clear
Wherever I go, I know that you'll be near

I finally wrote your song at last

Gaara couldn't take it anymore. Tears began flowing down his face. He put his hand up towards his eyes to cover them.

Sorry that this one came out so sad
Any tear I had
Was shed for the man that gave me a better sense
Of life and meaning to motivate
There's no shortcuts to success
I'll wait for his guiding hands
My guardian angel until the very end
Until the very end
My guardian angel until the very end

Raiga sung the last bit softly. He wiped his tears and looked around and noticed everyone was quiet. Not only that everyone was crying as well. A few seconds later, everyone was clapping and cheering which surprised him but Raiga didn't care about that at the moment. He looked up to his father and was shocked to see that he was in tears.

Gaara was deeply affected by Raiga's word, he looked up and saw him staring right back at him. Gaara smiled while trying not to cry again. Raiga smiles back, proud that he made his father happy.

In the end, Raiga was announced the winner of the competition for his heartwarming song. When he went to go to his family, he was immediately crushed in a hug by his mother, Shinki and the twins.

"Waaahh, Raiga that was beautiful." (Y/N) was rubbing her cheeks against his as he tried to escape. Karura and Rasa were hugging his legs tightly while crying while Shink hugged his arm.

After they freed him, Raiga saw Gaara walking towards him with a smile. Gaara pulled Raiga in a loving hug to which he return.

"Thank you, I've always been happy and proud to have you as my son." Gaara said. Everyone joined in as a group hug. Raiga had a small smile, happy to have a family like his.

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