Gaara x Reader ~ Date

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(R/N) - Restaurant Name
(I don't know?)

(Y/N)'s POV

"Temari what am I going to do? What am I going to wear? Please help me!" I kept ranting on to Temari who had nothing but a big grin on her face, making me even more nervous than before.

Let's go back to see how we ended up here don't we?


I was just walking to Gaara's office with paperwork in my hands. I had fallen in love with Gaara since the Chunin exams which was 3 years ago, I'm from the leaf village, I came here just here to help Gaara as his assistant after he was brought back to life which broke my heart when he died. I was extremely happy when he was brought back but still sadden by Granny Chiyo's death.

Ever since I first met Gaara, I saw the pain and loneliness on his eyes so I decided to be his friend which wasn't easy when he wanted nothing to do with me. In the end we became friends and I ended slowly falling for him but I highly doubt he'd feel the same way.

I opened the door to his office and saw Gaara working hard on his paperwork as usual. I wish he'd take it easy and not push himself, the Kazekage needs a break too.

"Good morning, Lord Kazekage," I greeted as I placed down sadly more paperwork for him.

"(Y/N), I've told you before, you don't have to formal with me, we're friends," Gaara said, looking towards me as his lips twitched upwards.

"I know, I just like doing that to tease you," I smiled back. "Anyways, I best be going. Please make sure you get a break too, you need one as well," I told him. He nodded then I went to walk towards the door but then the feeling of sand on my wrist stopped me.

"(Y/N) wait," Gaara called out. I turned towards, confused as to what he wanted. What confused me more was that Gaara looked nervous. "I-I was wondering i-if," he started.

I tilted my head curiously to what he was going to say next. Gaara gulped and slightly fidgeted in his seat.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me," Gaara said pretty quickly, his face was red after he finished. As soon as his words registered into my head, my face heated up and my heart began beating fast. Oh my god, I was just asked on a date by the love of my life. I managed to regain my composure but was still shook as I answered.

"U-uh, s-sure, I'd l-love too, um what time?" I stuttered, face still red. Gaara seemed relieved from my answer.

"How about I pick you up at seven?" I nodded and proceeded to walk out of the office though in reality, I actually ran out to find Temari.

This brings us to now.

~End of Flashback~

"Don't worry, I know what to do," Temari squealed as she dragged me away. I gulped, nervous of what she's gonna do.

Minutes later, I was dressed in a simple black dress (I have no idea what people wear to dates). I also simply had my hair down which is usually kept up in a pony tail.

We suddenly heard a knock at my door, Holy crap, he's here. I began to walk towards the door, ready to open it. Okay (Y/N), deep breathes, don't mess up.

No one's POV

(Y/N) opened the door to see Gaara in a black hoodie and jeans (I don't know). She blushed at the sight of Gaara, he looked really handsome.

Gaara was no different, as soon as that door opened, he couldn't help but blush at the sight of (Y/N) being in a dress. He looked at her (H/C) hair which is usually tied up and saw that it was down, something he doesn't see often. In his opinion he loved it when it was down. Gaara swore that he's never seen anything more beautiful.

Temari pushed the nervous female to Gaara with a cheeky grin. "Have fun you two but not too much okay," She said. (Y/N) blushed when she landed on Gaara's chest and immediately stood back up, glaring at Temari who just gave her a thumbs up in return. She rolled her eyes and smiled at Gaara as the two began to walk away.

~Time skip~

(Y/N)'s POV

We arrived to (R/N), I remember hearing about this place. I heard that the food was good here so I was interested to what was there. We sat down and waited so we could order. I looked around nervous because I was never one to be in public places.

In the corner of my eyes, a waitress walked towards us. She greeted us with a warm and teasing smile.

"Hello, what can I get for you two lovebirds?" I blushed in embarrassment when she said 'lovebirds' and looked down. After Gaara gave our order, we chatted for a bit until the food arrived. People weren't lying, the food was so delicious. Once we were finished, I went to pay but Gaara stopped me.

"I'll pay," Gaara said, giving his money to the waitress.

"What? I don't want you to spend money on me," I whined at him.

"No, it's alright. Besides I'm the one that asked you to dinner with me."

I sighed and just gave up. We stood up and left and decided to have a walk. I shivered but soon stopped when Gaara gave me his hoodie. I was worried that he'd get cold but he brushed it off, saying he would be fine.

After a few minutes, Gaara teleported us with his sand to the top of the Kazekage tower. I shrugged and went to sit down with Gaara doing the same. I looked up the stars, lost in my thoughts. Did he take me out to dinner as friends or does he actually like me?

I glanced at Gaara who seemed also lost in thought as well. I loved the way the wind blew in his red hair. One thing I really love are his beautiful teal eyes, every time I stare at them, I just get lost in them. The rings around them make him look like a Panda, I mentally giggled the thought. I decided to make some stupid move that I would never forget. I stood up slowly and Gaara who was confused, stood up as well.

"Listen here Panda, I love you!" I declared. He widen his eyes but before I let him respond, I continued. "I understand if you don't feel the same way so I hope we can still be friends!" I looked down and close my eyes shut to hide my red face from him.

Fingers lifted my chin up but my eyes were still shut tight. Suddenly a pair of warm and gentle lips were on mine. My eyes snapped wide open and realised Gaara was kissing me. I relaxed, kissing him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He also wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. After what seemed like hours, we pulled away and I stared into his gorgeous eyes.

"I love you too," Gaara finally said after a minute and smiled.

No one's POV

Due to the sight of Gaara's smile after his words, (Y/N) suddenly fainted, face red with a panicking Gaara wondering what the hell did he do.

I'm so sorry if this was bad, I hardly have any knowledge on dates and what happens on them and love stuff but I try >~<

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