Gaara x Child!Reader

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It's platonic, no romance ew 

(Y/N)'s POV

My heart beats rapidly as I ran from my kidnappers. They had killed the last person I cared about, my older brother Tairu and decided to take me to with them but I ran before they could. A kunai was thrown at me, luckily I dodged it before it hit me.

"Get back here brat!" One of the kidnappers yelled. I ignored them and picked up my pace only to trip over a twig causing me to hit my head against a tree and blacked out.

Gaara's POV

My siblings and I were on our way back to the sand after having a meeting with Kakashi who was now Hokage. It's been two years since the 4th Great Ninja War against Madara and many things have changed since then.

"Kankuro, like I said, you'll never get a girlfriend with all that makeup on your face!"
I heard Temari yell towards my idiot brother. "Besides, you're always in your room doing nothing but playing with your dolls."

"Hey! It's not makeup, it's war paint and they're called Puppets!" Kankuro argued back. I sighed at my siblings behavior and decided to stop them before I get a headache.

"Kankuro. Temari. Both of you just shut up," I told them.

"Sorry," They both said, immediately shutting their mouths afterward but glared at each other. We continued on our way until we suddenly heard a scream. 'What was that scream?'

"What was that?" Kankuro asked.

"I don't know but let's figure it out." I said, they both nodded and we ran towards the direction the scream was last heard. I looked around for the source but then saw three unknown rogue ninjas surrounding a small figure that seem to be a child.

Anger filled my body at the fact that they were hurting an innocent child.I used my sand to knock their leader unconscious while Kankuro and Temari dealt with the other two. I walked towards the child and picked her up gently. I glanced down and saw that her injuries weren't that serious but still needed medical attention.

"We'll go to the hospital, let's go." I commanded then we began to run back to the sand.

~Time skip~

Third POV

The sand siblings ran to the hospital and Gaara ordered the doctors to give medical attention to the child. They were led to the room and Gaara placed the little girl down onto the bed so medical ninja could tend to her injuries. Once they were done, they left while the sand siblings stayed to watch over the child. Gaara stared at her, strangely feeling the urge to protect the child.

"Hey Gaara, is she going to be okay?" The blonde asked. "The poor thing must have been frightened."

"Yes. The doctors said that she may wake up soon. The injuries weren't fatal." Gaara answered, glancing out the window for a second before looking back at the child. 

"Damn, I feel sorry for he brat." Kankuro said. 

"W-where am I?" A fragile voice called out. The sand siblings turned towards the small figure as she sat up. Innocent (e/c) eyes looking at them in confusion and fear. "W-who are you? W-what do y-you want with me?!" She started backing away, planning to make a run for it.

"It's alright, we're not here to hurt you. We found you injured and brought you here to get treated." Gaara reassured her in a soft voice which had seemed to work because the young child began to relax but still wary.

(Y/N)'s POV

After hearing those words, I calmed down a little but was still cautious. I looked two the side and saw a man dressed in black wearing makeup? He looked weird. Next to him was a women with sandy blonde hair and a big fan on her back. Crouching in front of me was a red haired man but his eyes were beautiful teal that gave me a soft look that slightly put me to ease. I noticed some sort of gourd on his belt. 'I wonder what's in it.'

"Oi brat, what's your name?" The weird guy with makeup asked but a little demanding.

"Kankuro." the red haired man warned, causing the weird looking man to back off.

"I apologies about him, my name is Gaara. I'm the Kazekage of the sand and these two are my siblings, Temari and Kankuro." The man known as Gaara said. "If you don't mind, could you tell us your name?"

"M-my name is (Y-y/n) and I'm 7." I answered nervously. I then turned to Kankuro and we had some sort of a staring contest but then I broke the silence.

"You know, you'll never get a girlfriend wearing all that stupid makeup not only that but you seem to be the type that sits around and plays with dolls." I told him. He got angry at my comment and grew a tick mark on his forehead.

"Listen here brat, it's not makeup. It's war paint and secondly they're puppets!"

The women beside him, Temari began laughing. "Ha! I told you Kankuro, see even the kid knows." She teasingly said.


"Enough." Gaara ordered, giving his siblings a stern look before looking back at me. "If you don't mind, could you tell us what exactly happen?"

I hesitantly nodded my head, I mean I guess I could trust them. They did save my life. "Well they wanted revenge from my brother so they broke into our house."


Tairu and I were chasing  each other around, it was fun until we heard the sound of a window shattering.

"Quick go hide." Tairu ordered. I nodded and hid behind the counter, fearing what would happen. All I heard was the sound of metal clashing against each other and wood breaking. Suddenly a hand grabbed mine and I realized it was onii-chan who was covered in blood and a kunai through his chest.

"Nii-chan!" I shouted as tears flowed down my cheeks.

"(Y/N) run. Live on, please." Tairu said before his eyes went dull and his hand released mine.

"NOOOO!" I yelled. I looked behind me and saw one of the men and began to run. I kept running without turning back, hoping someone would save me.

-End of Flashback-

After I finished, I felt a wet substance on my cheeks and realized I was crying. I quickly wiped them away and looked up to Gaara

"Are you alright?" Gaara asked, concerned. I nodded and sniffled then felt a warm hand on my head.

"It's alright, you're save now with us," Gaara smiled which was rare for someone who doesn't show much emotion. "But what about your parents? Where were they?"

"They left me and onii-chan. They said that we were mistakes and that they didn't want us and left." I responded bitterly, glaring at the ground.

Gaara's POV

She's been through a lot, I felt anger towards her parents but instantly calmed down. She's lost the only person she's ever loved and I know what it's  like. I want to protect her and make sure nobody ever hurts her, I want to make sure she never feels lonely again.

"What are you guys going to do with me now?" (Y/N) asked, she looked as if she didn't want to leave.

"How about you stay with us?" I told her. Her head snapped up towards me in shocked including my siblings behind me but they didn't say anything.


I nodded my head but widen my eyes when I felt small arms wrapped around me.

"Thank you, I'd love too!"

I smiled and hugged her back while hearing 'Awww' from my siblings. I'd be sure to protect her and raise her myself since her parents never wanted to take the responsibility to raise their own child.

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