At the hotel

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When I returned to my hotel room, it was almost 8 PM. I tried to decode all this incidents happening to me in my head. I knew it was time for me to take a shower and rest and my plan didn't changed.

After my plans finished, I tried to decode the statements once again. The incidents which happed to Tyler must have taken place between 2005-2010. The murder occured in 2004, by the end of 2004, I was at Australia, so if those things happened to him in between this timeline then it would be possible for me to not know these incidents. Also, Tyler doesn't like discussing about these things which means, he regrets it. Maybe it would be good for me, if I don't question him about this incident. Nevertheless, I just need to figure out why I'm here, what happened to him 5 years ago was none of my business. Well, afterall I made a friend today, gonna take more information about Tyler from her in coming time. All of a sudden, my door bell rang, I, for a second got nervous, then I slowly opened the door and saw it was the hotel servant who bought dinner . I sighed and took the plate of burger from him and greeted him.

I woke up next day without a call. Maybe today Tyler was not interested in questioning me. I went to the same cafeteria I went yesterday. It was a kind of rainy day, the clouds were about to collide with each other. I saw a girl licking the cornetto her mom brought her. I enter the shop , "La Café" as it was written on the sign board over the cafe. As I entered I the manager talking to a almost- about-to-lean lady. I took the seat behind the front one and ordered a cappuccino. The same girl which gave me info about Tyler came to me with the coffee. As our eyes met, she gave a cruel but kind type of smile. With her accent she murmured, "Good to see you again, Tennia".
"So you remembered!" I smiled..
Her face turned a little dark and she uttered "What? What are you talking about?"
"My name!" And I tried hard to be kind.

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