(2) Enter Andy

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Where Rye is brazen and cocky by ways of keeping his secrets, Andy prefers a very different approach. He is a very well-practiced liar, after all, if you are good at something, why not use it? People usually do not lie that much for fear that their lies will come and bite them, but if one is diligent, and remembers who you have told what to, you have nothing to fear. Andy Fowler also holds a position as one of the golden boys of York's Secondary school. Unlike Rye, he does not use that power to envelop himself in an untouchable air. He does not really need to, his appearance gave him that already.

Andy has one pride and joy, and that was field hockey. He wanted to try his hand at ice hockey when he went to university, but field hockey would always be his one love. Field hockey was a rapid, skillful and sometimes dangerous game. But he loved it, he breathed freer when he had played a game. Honestly, to Andy, winning was not all that important. But, he captained a very competitive team of boys, so winning was always better for morale.

Andy radiated a mysterious air. He had light, wavy hair that he let flop around his head- though it was shorter at the sides. his eyes were a soulless grey/blue that gave his face a feelingless look to it. If one was to only focus on the top of his face, you would deem him to be very emotionally cold. He had sharp features; jutting, high cheekbones and a razor jawline. His skin was gently sunkissed and he sported a light blush on his cheeks due to the exertion of the exercise he was doing. His sharp and emotionless appearance, however, was broken as soon as he smiled. He had a dimple in his left cheek and gentle creases near his eyes when he laughed. His smile was gleaming and sincere, accompanied by his deep and throaty laugh. He rarely grimaced, smirked or scowled, feeling like being mad, or acting better than everyone else was reserved for king prick Beaumont.

He was not cruel to people he did not know, he just was not kind either. He had the respect to apologize for walking into people or getting in others way, he just did not try to make friends out of every sad soul that wandered the corridors. Andy thought that he was living proof that not all the 'jocks' had to be dicks. Mainly that was reserved for the football boys, the lads on his hockey team were pleasant. Just as tough and muscular as those who played football, just they did not feel the need to flaunt it in everyone's face, It was an unwritten rule in Yorks that you either played football or hockey. Never both. The huge rivalry between the two teams prevented anyone from even wanting to play for both teams. With 'prank week' coming up, and fast, people were reminded that to be on both teams was literally punishable. 

In Andy's opinion, prank week was so ridiculously childish. There were so many more important things to be focusing on, applying for universities and scholarships for one, freaking A levels for another. But, as tradition, it had to happen. If Andy was responsible for determining the better team, he would decide through wins and goals (scored and conceded) But no. As the 'mature' teens they were they had to decide it, the most 'mature' way. Through pranks. Andy sighed inwardly as he headed to his last lesson. The whole year did PE over the last two sessions. probably to split up the hockey and football team, he had just had his. So he was blessed with a free lesson at the end of the day.

Andy, sounds like a great guy, right?


Andy is very good at lying. Too good for his own good. Andy lives with foster parents, he likes them for the most part, they have been good to him. Mike and Sue. But they were not his first, Andy pondered over how many sets of foster parents he must have had, at least four before Mike and Sue. He could not remember the first three all that well, they gave him up because he did not trust them. He was too quiet and hated other people knowing his secrets, so he lied. And he got caught out. He did remember the fourth pair he was with, he had been with them up until he was fourteen since he was nine or ten. He was not really treated all-that-well there. To them, he was a useful errand boy. He picked up their drugs and got older boys to get him alcohol for him to give to them. He slept on the sofa when he was lucky, when he wasn't, he slept on the floor. That was life. Andy had never been loved, not by a parent figure, a brother/sister figure or even a girl. Sure, he had had flings, but never serious. All the girls he was with knew only what he told them of him, most of which was lies.

But Andy knew that "the best lies contain an element of the truth", he forgot where that quote came from, but it was good advice. Some people knew he had no mum, some he had no dad. Others thought he lived alone, others thought he lived with friends. That was the thing about Andy, you never really knew him. Andy liked it that way, he was conscious of the lies he told, and who he told them to. He did not want people to know him, he was detached, and that was how he liked it.

His closest friend was called Sam, Sam was notorious for the scheming and planning of the annual pranks. Sam was also the only one who knew Andy lived in foster care, but had enough nouse about him to keep it to himself. He knew Sam would have some bonkers ideas for this year, last year the Football squad had won prank week by finding all the cars of the Hockey team and wrapping a big chain through all the wheels, connecting all of them, before securing the chain to the school gates. So, when the hockey team had not seen the well-disguised chain it had even been painted in places- and revved off, not only did they take other cars and bikes with them, but they also tore down the school gate. There had been hell to pay, and it was blamed on them, apparently trying to destroy school property.

So as much as Andy did not really care for pranks, and indeed, found them very childish. This year, he would very much like to
wipe the smug grin off Beaumont's face and beat them.

I'm uploading these slowly with the edits k luv u all

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