/ 10 / park jimin

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updated: 22/jan/2021

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Jimin wasn't able to speak with Hoseok after what happened the day before, and the day prior to that. He was ashamed that he flirted and then fled firstly, and then Hoseok got to see him be a scared little bitch. 

The whole ride back from the shop to the Park's house was in complete silence. Somin was sighing heavily, looking pissed at her brother but she didn't speak back to him at all.

Hoseok tried to talk to Jimin before he left the car, but Jimin didn't give him much of a choice when he interrupted the other saying he needed to talk to his sister first. But he didn't talk to her. She slammed her bedroom door in his face and didn't speak to him all day long. 

She didn't even leave the bedroom to cook or to eat, and that worried him. He knocked on her door several times, at least trying to make her eat but it was useless. She wasn't giving him a break and that broke his heart.

After dinner, he went back to his room and cried. He was so stupid for reacting the way he did. He was just a mess emotionally, angry all the time because his idiot ex had moved on and forgot all about him. He just wished to be able to get detached from Taehyung as the other did with him. 

Did Taehyung ever love him? They broke up almost 6 years ago and it still hurt very much, but Jimin couldn't understand if he still loved Tae or if he just hated him so much because he broke his heart.

Jimin then heard the front door close and quickly got up. He ran to Somin's room, saw the door was open and she wasn't inside. So he ran again to the front door, shooting down the stairs and trying to reach his sister on the street, but she was long gone. 

He went up again to their apartment and grabbed his phone, calling her, but she never answered all the 23 times he called her.

For about two hours he waited for her. He was angry, worried, and sad. He wanted to scold her for leaving at night alone, and he wanted to apologize for the way he behaved earlier, but especially he just wanted to make up with her. He couldn't go another night sleeping mad at each other.

The front door opened silently. Somin tried her best to hold back her sobs and not wake up her brother, but it was useless. She should've known he was already waiting for her. When the living room's lamp's light switched on, Somin tried to dry her tears as quickly as possible. 

The dark mad face her baby brother was putting, rapidly changed to a concerned one as he stood up and approached her.

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