Hank stands there awkwardly, engulfed in a tight bear hug from behind by RK900's strong arms, unable to move. He couldn't tell if Connor was intentionally stalling or actually trying to have a break through with the other Android but whatever his intentions, RK900 wasn't paying him too much attention which gave Hank an idea.

Hank pulls his head forward before slamming it back and cracking it against RK900's nose. He knew androids couldn't feel pain but thankfully, he caught him off guard. The android releases Hank and stumbles back at the force of the blow, quickly pulling himself together and preparing to strike the Lieutenant. But before he can, Hank is quick to grab his gun up off of the floor and scramble away from him, holding it up and preparing to shoot.

"Back up, you fucker!" Hank shouts, finger firmly pressed against the trigger. "I won't hesitate to blow your fucking brains out or whatever the fuck you androids have as a substitute!"

RK900 refrains from attacking Hank and makes no move to advance toward the detective despite having the ability to preconstruct an easy way to take him out.

"I said back up!" Hank shouts again, glaring at the Android. God, he really was Connors spitting image. There was quite a difference in size and voice but otherwise, they were practically twins. He really didn't like that.

RK900 looks to Connor and then back at Hank before speaking. "Unlike your pet, I'm not afraid to die." He says, grabbing Hanks gun by the barrel and stepping closer to that it's pointed at his chest. "Go ahead. Shoot me." The Android says bluntly, not a hint of hesitation or fear in his voice. There was no emotion at all from what Hank could tell. "Or do you not have it within yourself to do so?"

"Hank, don't do it. Do not shoot him." Connor says sternly.

"And why not!?" Hanks barks in question, not breaking eye contact with Connors double. "This bastard is out for blood!"

"Yes, why not, Connor?" RK900 puts emphasis on the others name. "Shooting me would put a stop to this disaster I started. You would be completing your mission." He says, pausing for a moment. His grimace curls into a smirk. That wicked smirk made up for all of the emotion that the android previously lacked and if Connor had a spine, a shiver would have rattled it just then. "Or are you still refusing to complete your mission because you're weak? Or perhaps it's because you can't complete your mission. Because your programming renders you incapable."

All of RK900's words remind Connor of Detective Reeds words from earlier. He can't help but feel conflicted. The Android hadn't killed anybody so Connor didn't feel as though he deserved to die but who's to say he wouldn't if they didn't take him out now? Clearly he was a heartless machine. He was far more advanced than Connor and it appeared as though he lacked empathy. Something that made deviants what they were; alive. If Connor kept him alive, there would be a high likelihood of other androids being de-converted or even killed as well as the possibility of human homicides because of it.

"Shut your fuckin' mouth, you piece of shit." Hank snarls. "Don't listen to this asshole; he's just saying shit to get under your skin. I'll put a bullet in 'im and that'll shut him up real fast." Hank prepares to pull the trigger but Connor stops him.

"No! Lieutenant — don't." Connor pleads, a hand of his firmly gripping Hanks wrist. He pries the gun out of the mans hands and stares at it for a short moment before looking at RK900.

"I knew you were too—" A gunshot rings throughout the warehouse and RK900 is unable to finish his sentence due to the gaping wound put in his chest by the bullet Connor had fired. It had no doubt damaged an important bio component. RK900's eyes are widened some as a hand of his goes to feel the wound; he glances down at his hand and the thirium covering it and then at his wound where blue blood is spilling out of him. He doesn't utter another word before he collapses to the concrete floor.

Hank stares at Connor incredulously. Connors arms were still extended, the gun still firmly in his grasp and pointed at where RK900 previously stood. His brows were furrowed.

"Jesus fuck, Connor. Gimme a warning next time, huh? That shits deafening."

"I told you I could defend myself." Connor says, lowering the gun as his gaze settles upon the lifeless Android sprawled out on the floor before him.

Hank stares down at the corpse as well, hands to his hips before he gives a nod and looks away, clearly still caught off guard by Connors actions. Only moments prior he wanted to spare the Android. What the fuck happened?

Connor hands the gun back to Hank before turning around and fixing his tie. "Let's get this artwork back to the museum and we can have someone cart this android back to the station for further examination. It may be helpful." He says coldly, still averting his gaze as he walks away. He takes to alerting the station as to the events that had unfolded as he leaves the warehouse, leaving Hank to gawk as he does so.

Hank would almost jump to the conclusion that Connor had snapped if he didn't know any better. Something was bothering him and it was definitely more than he was letting on. Connor had always been open and forward with him, but this...something about this rubbed him the wrong way and he was going to get to the bottom of it.


"So that's the suspect, huh?" Gavin questions, standing in the evidence locker alongside Connor and Hank.

"Yup," Hank responds, arms folded over his chest.

"He's got a goofy face just like your little toy." Reed jokes, flashing Hank a smirk. Neither Connor nor Hank show any sign of amusement upon hearing his words, or any reaction at all, really. It would only give Gavin more to work with if he wanted to pester them in the future. "Fine. Be a couple of assholes." He huffs, finding his eyes drawn to RK900's wound. "Geez, Hank. You did a number on the thing, huh?"

"I didn't shoot 'im. Connor did." Hank grunts in response.

Gavin's a bit caught off guard by this and he looks to Connor. "S'that right? So you got more guts in ya, after all." He scoffs. "Or were you out for blood? We usually catch criminals in this line of work — not kill them." No matter what Connor did, it seemed it was never good enough in detective Reeds eyes and the android had long gotten used to it. He doesn't respond but instead looks away.

"The fuckin' thing attacked us, alright? Butt out if you're gonna be a prick, Reed." Hank snaps at the other man who frowns grumpily in response before rolling his eyes and giving a quiet "tch" as he leaves.

When he's gone, Hank places a reassuring hand upon Connors shoulder. "You did what you had to do."

"I...I didn't want to do it." Connor confides to his partner, his voice barely above a whisper. "He looks so much like me...he's another android. I'm sure there was another way but I... I couldn't handle it. I didn't like what he was saying, Lieutenant. He made me feel small. Obsolete." He says quietly.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Connor. I understand. Sometimes you gotta make hard choices — you of all people should know that." Hank tells him softly, giving his shoulder an affectionate squeeze.

Connor nods slightly. "I still feel...guilty."

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