Chapter 40

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"So you broke up with him?"

Rubbing his aching temples with his thumbs, Kimmon released a long-suffering sigh.  

Not having enough energy to shoo Bas away, he had let his younger cousin lug him towards the outdoor patio during the café's break time.  You are in desperate need of a private counseling session, Bas had explained without giving Kimmon a real chance to object.  But he regretted not even attempting to protest when, as anticipated, Bas immediately barreled him with a string of questions that he really didn't want to answer.     

"Something like that," Kimmon eventually responded when Bas wouldn't retract his glare.  

Bas frowned.  "Why?"

While running his hand through his hair, Kimmon sighed once more.  "Can we not talk about this?"

"No.  We're going to talk about this until you sort everything out," Bas rejected in an instant, his tone uncompromising.  "Come on, P'.  It's been a week, and you still look like you're going to drop dead any minute now.  I'm trying to save you!"

A hollow laugh escaped from Kimmon's mouth.  Although it was sweet of Bas to try, he knew that his attempts would be useless.  Because nothing could save him.  Not when it felt like all hope and happiness had been depleted from his entire world and he was barely breathing in all the misery that remained.  Not when the only person who could rescue him from that pit of despair was no longer here by his side.

"Is it your fault?" Bas asked with a softer voice.  

"Yes," Kimmon quietly answered before screwing his eyes shut. 

If anyone was to blame for his unending misery, it was him.  It was his fault.  If he hadn't said anything to Copter, then, at the very least, Copter could still have continued to stay in touch with him.  Kimmon could still have had the chance to see and talk to him from time to time.  Instead of being completely shut out of Copter's life just like now.       

"Then go tell him that you're sorry.  To give you a second chance," Bas instructed right away.  "Moping around like this isn't going to do you any good.  And don't you know that some people would die to be you right now?  To even have the opportunity to go after him?"

Kimmon blinked.  "Are you talking about Godt?"

"F*ck no!" Bas yelped too quickly, a light shade of red dusting his cheeks.  At Kimmon's bewildered expression, he subsequently cleared his throat.  "I'm...I was talking about me!"


"Yes, me!  I had a crush on P'Ter too, but I didn't chase after him because of you.  Because you love him.  So freaking much that I couldn't even dare to butt in and take him from you!  You know how hard it was for me to give him up?!"  

"...You had a crush on Copter?" Kimmon asked to confirm, his eyebrows rising as his brain processed Bas's sudden revelation.

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