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He sighed and took the seat next to me. I smiled at him and he returned it. "As long as you're happy I'm okay with it." he told me and I snuggled closer to him when I heard those words.

"I'll always be happy as long as you're around."

"Then we can stay in California?" he hopefully asked me.

"Nope." I smirked and hit his hard chest. He didn't feel it though, I bet. "It's a new chapter for me." I added and looked up at him.

"It's our new chapter." he said. Then he rolled his eyes. "Sounds so cheesy..." he laughed.

"I need to hear cheesy things from you sometimes." I chuckled and dug my head to his chest. I didn't hear what he said after that though, since I fell in a deep sleep.

I saw a girl. There was a girl with super long chocolate brown hair, that was wavy and I was seriously jealous of it. She was really pretty. Like Emíne. A barbie. She had huge eyes, framed with some mascara, and a warm smile. I looked at her with big eyes, and took a step closer to her.

"Who are you?" I asked her. I wanted to know. She didn't say a thing. She only smiled at me.

Suddenly she got closer, and leaned into my ear. "Help me..." she whispered.

"With what?!" I asked her, because I knew that she'd disappear soon and I needed to know.

"Help me." she repeated, suddenly fading away, like dust being blown off a book.

"Krystal." I heard a voice. She was still gone. I knew that it wasn't her. "Krystal." I felt hands grabbing my shoulders and shaking them and I opened my eyes. In front of me was Darrén, and it sure was light because it was morning. It was only a dream. No mystery girl.

"M-Morning Darrén." I said, and gave him a hug. He was surprised of my sudden hug but adjusted. I didn't know what to think. Seeing a girl I didn't even know in my dream? It was freaking me out.

I got out of the bus and saw small buildings all over the place. Nothing like California. It was Kandred. I tried to forget my dream and explore my new life. But it distracted me a lot. The whole day out, even when I was sitting in our small apartment and preparing. I sighed. I couldn't stay like that. I had school tomorrow. My new school. A normal school. No more East Creket - even though I liked it. I had always liked normal schools, and I wanted to know how it was.

"You nervous Krystal?" Darrén asked me when he saw how I was staring at the empty space.

"Yeah." I responded. I sat down on the bed and kept staring at the wall. Darrén got closer and reached his hand, cupping my cheek.

"Don't worry. You have me." he told me and leaned his face towards me. I closed my eyes and felt his lips on mine. I didn't remember how many times we had kissed already. Because since we finally got together, I had probably made out with him everyday. I just couldn't not to.

He slowly leant in and I followed him as I felt the soft bed behind me. He suddely slipped his tounge in and I myself, knew that I was a sucker at kissing. So I bit him. I didn't want to embarrass myself more. He freaked out, crying out in pain.

"Sorry." I grinned at him, sitting up straight.

He had big eyes, looking at me, that suddenly turned into a sarcastic smile. "I've taught you well."

"Stop that!" I laughed and pulled his collor making my lips smash onto his.


I went out for shopping, to get food for me and Darrén. I looked around and got lost sometimes but I found back to the track. I started thinking about that girl again. She wasn't really someone I could forget easily. I remembered her everything and especially her beautiful hair. Chocolate brown. That's a pretty color. I looked at my dirty blonde hair color and thought it was boring. I was never troubled with my haircolor, but it always got boring as I'd had that col9or for my whole life. Except of when I was wearing wigs all the time. I remembered the time when I was sneaking around Darrén and Ambreal with Emíne and we even had disguises. I loved that wig, since I liked the chocolate brown color. 

Sarah Montana Living In The Boys' DormWhere stories live. Discover now