Chapter 18: Where Do We Go Now?

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*Chris's POV*Everything was dark. Dark and painful. Silence was all that followed after. Before I knew it there was light and my eyes opened. Well I thought they did. I could see everyone but something wasn't right. "Please wake up daddy." I got confused she was looking at me. Well my body which means... I'm almost dead. Willow was holding on to my shirt, Astrid looked ready to kill, and Josh and Ryan looked worried or was it scared? Sitting up the rest of the way I laid my head on top of Astrids. I turned my head so I could look at Willow at the same time she looked so fragile. She sat up still holding onto my shirt. Sniffling Willow looked at me. Wait what?! "I love you daddy. You'll be ok right? Please come home?" With that she laid back down and curled into my shirt. Literally the girl climbed underneath my shirt and went to sleep.Josh looked in the rear view mirror cause of what I'm guessing to be to see what Willow was doing. Only instead he got this weird look on his face. "What that fuck!?" Next thing I know I'm being launched forward into the front seat. As soon as I was in the back Josh turned around."What the hell Josh!?""Am I going insane or are you really here?" He was looking at me. This is getting weird."Who me?" His jaw dropped and he just nodded his head.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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