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Penny woke up hearing light snores coming from her fiance. She giggled and tickle his side, trying to wake him up but he only turned to his side, facing her with his mucsolar back.

She traced her fingers down his back and up again, drawing circles on his warm skin. Penny blushed at the sight of the scratch marks that she made him yesterday.

She kissed the crock of his neck, cousing him to roll on his back, automatically  pulling her closer to him. "Morning beaitifull." Sebastian greeted her with his husky morning voice.

"Good morning handsom." She giggled when his hard on was tickleing her above her knees. "Babe it's not even eight in the morning."

"Hey don't act like it's my fult. You were the one kissing my neck." He raized his head a bit so that he could see her face. Her morning face was the most beautifull thing he will ever see.

They have been waking up together for four months now and evrything is perfect. Harry comes wisit at least once a weak but Penny hasn't talked to her famiy since her birthday.

"Sebastian?" She nodged him after a minute of silence. "I wanna visit my mom and dad."

Sebastian stayed silent, he kissed her nose and nodded.

Peny furrowed her eyebrows. "You think it's a bad idea?" She exhaled dramaticaly.

Sebastian played with her hair, he knew this would calm her down. "I can come with you." He pecked her lips. "To make you safe."

Penny giggled. "They are my familly, they wouldn't hurt me." She had a smile on her face but she was lying. She was hurt from them before. And Sebastian knew all about it even though she was trying so hard to hide it.

"I have to fo now." He rolled over and grabbed a pile of chlothes, that are already waiting for him. "I have an important meeting but if you'll need anything don't hesitate to call."


Penny fed her dog and grabbed her purse. She walled to the bus stop and waited. Her palms were sweaty and she had a lump on her throat. She knew exactly how this will go down but she needed to try.

Bus put her down at her old spot. She smiles at all the memories she has of this place. It used to mean evrything to her, it was her home but now Sebastian is her home.

It was three p.m. and her parents should be home already. She knocked on the front door and waited.

"Coming!" When she heard her mom's voice, her kneea got weak and her heart beat exceeded to maximum. "Good aft... Penny?"

Her mom took a step back, her facal expression... poker face. "Hey mom, how are you? I missed you guys so much."

Her father ran towards the front door and pushed mom slightly to the side. "What the hell is she doing here?" He looked at mom who just looked at her feet. "Did you knew about this?"

"No, she didn't. It wasn't planed." I cut them off. "I just missed my familly." I try to smile.

"You are no familly to us. You are piece of garbage and if you ever come back here..." He raized his large hand. "I'll make sure this is the last thing you will do."

He slammed the door shut and the tears I held in started falling down my cheeks. I put my hand on my mouth to stop myself from screming. I knew this was gonna happen but I needed to try it.

Penny called a taxy. "To the Stan offices, downtown please." She leaned back and closed her eyes. Sebastian was the only thing I wan't right now.

I must of fell asleep because the driver woke me up by calling me. "Miss, miss we have arrived."

I thanked him and pay for my ride. I stepped out of the taxy and saw a few tall buildings. The tallest one had Sebastian's last name written on it. I walked towards tje entrance and greeted te doorman who gave me a hand shake and let me inside.

I nod back to the people that already knew me. "Hello Ms. Penny. What can I do for you?" Sebastian's personal assistant greeted me.

"Hey Mia." I smile at her messy bun. She had to made out with the janitor again. "I just came to see Sebastian. Is he in the meeting still?"

"Yes, but you can wait him at his office. The meeting should be over in ten and he will be excited to see you." She winked at me and I just rolled my eyes and acted like I didn't hear her talking about that one time she cought us in the act in his office.

"Thanks." I made my way towards the office dor and closed them when I walked in. I ploped down on his big leather chair and put my barefoot legs on the desk and leaned back in the chair.

I was straddled when the door opened swiftly, revealing Sebastian. "Hey." He bit his lover lip. " You look good behind the bosses desk. Maybe one day..." He chuckled.

"No, no." I got up and pulled him into a hug. "I'm perfectly fine with being the boss's wife." She kissed him with every imotion she possibly could, to cover up my bad mood, but he could see right through me.

"The meeting didn't go as planned?" He played with her hear just the way she loved and when he heard her humm a yes, his heart dropped. "Sorry baby. Why don't we grab some dinner along the way and you can tell me all about it?"

Penny's eyes led up. "I would love that." She knew right there she choose the right person to be with for the rest of her life. She can only hope something, or someone doesen't do something to ruin their fairytale.

Forbidden Love ● sebastian stan ● (#wattys2019)Where stories live. Discover now