I'm a Stripper, He's a Vampire {8}

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All eyes were on them as the lights changed into various hue's thus giveing the stage a more darker look. I could feel the anticiaption in the air as everyone waited for the band to make a move.

Another guitar chord was struck wich ment is was our cue to dance. I wasnt sure what song they were planning on doing so I took things slow, moveing my body like a serpent around the pole. Nora got the hint as well and began to twril around her way.

Anya's POV

It was hard for me to sit still while my favorite band of all time and my bestfriend were both on stage performing. I wanted yell out and cheer for Rico, but the tension in the room was hot enough. I watched as another chord was struck and both dancers began moveing. I wanted to squeel so badly.

"Bloody hell, the tension in this room is begining to make me sweat" came a voice next to me.

"Heh, yeah...huh?" I said, glanceing over and blinking a few times. It was a man, with pale green eyes and blue and black hair. Jugeing by the way he dressed, he had to be in the world of buissness.

"Oh, Forgive me for startleing you. I just go so excited watching the dancer's. That young man sure knows his stuff" he said, gazeing upon Rico.

"You danm right, thats my bestfriend" I beamed. "He's-"

"Rico Snow, I know." he said suddenly.

I was in a state of shock. Was this the man Rico was talking about? The one who he meet a few days ago?

Just as I was about to ask him a question, a full on blaze of music began to happen, and as I brought my attention to the stage both dancer's began to drop It like its hot and grind thier asses off on thoese pole's.

Rico's Pov

The music began to upbeat itself, and my body began to move in its own, like the music had its control over me. Twirling and swaying I glanced over to Nora, seeing that she was doing alright, then I quickly glance over to Phoenix Star and I almost jizzed my pants.

He was like an angel, the way the light reflected off his electric blue eyes and made his platinum-blonde, silver hair glow just abit. And when he opened his mouth to sing, its was like a massive orgy times ten.

I had to focus on my danceing, but I just coldnt help but stare at Phoenix Star. A tight feeling rose in my pants, makeing it abit painful to grind on the pole.

Get a grip on yourself Rico, dont lose focus.....

Droping myself up and down, the audience went wild with excitement as they cheered. I could see Anya in the back, jumping up and down like a freaking fan girl. I knew she was so excited to see them perform. And to see me happy as well.

"Keep going Snowflake!" came a voice from out of the crowd. It sounded oddly familiar, but I couldnt just stop to see who it was. I had to keep on danceing. Eventually the music slowed down and came to an orgasmic stop.

For my finishing move, I flung myself upside down on the pole, spreading my legs wide open as the bulge in my pants grew abit with the excitement. Slowly and seductively I slid myself down, eventually reaching the ground as the music ended.

Everyone was up and cheering, some were even chanting Forsaken's name. I smiled politely and turned around, only to find the curtain had already closed. Smileing abit more and waveing to everyone, I walked off stage and headed back to the dressing rooms to change into my bartender's outfit.

"Rico, Rico!" called out Anya as she ran up to me and hugged me. She then squeeked abit as she pulled back with a blush."Geeze, your already hard!?" she teased, pointing down at my junk.

"Anya, you have no Idea what it was like danceing on stage with Forsaken. It was like...sex, only ten times better" I said, makeing my way to the dressing room.

"Stop makeing me jealous" Anya begged as she lightly punched my arm.

Heading inside the dressing room, I saw the Nora was already getting dressed and into her female bartender's outfit. I quickly took off my top, Anya had to turn around to blush, and put on my bartender's top. I kept the pants on, only because they seemed to match more then the one's given to me. Walking up to the mirror, iI wiped off the make-up, it was alot of freaking make-up.

"You ready Rico?" Nora asked as she stood next to me, adjust her breast and takeing off all of her pale make-up.

"Yeah, bartending is surely gonna be fun this night" I said in a sarcastic tone.

Nora laughed abit and so did Anya. After the both of us finished getting ready, we walked back outside into the main room, where there were people drinking and talking about the performance a moment ago.

"Snow, Leaves, and friend!" called out my boss as he walked up to us with a smile on his face."Listen, you both have a special request. Forsaken wants you two to be there private entertainment for the night, both of you head on up to the VIP room NOW!" he ordered. I dont know why he brought Anya into this....

With a hurried nod, I grabbed Nora and Anya and rushed off to the second level, but as soon as we got there, Nora, Anya, and I all came to a sudden hault.

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