I'm a Stripper, He's a Vampire [17]

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I felt the tightness between my legs grow even more tighter as I stared at Phoenix. He was stareing back at me, the look in his eyes was calling for me.

"Phoenix...I dont understand...is this a speacial occation?" I asked, my hands began to play with the hem of my pants. Thats how nervous I was.

He narrowed his eyes to me, his coky smile never leaving his lips.

"No...but we could make this a special occation" he said cooly. I felt my knees buckle, but I mantained control of myself. "I just thought you could use a nice bath, seeing as you been through alot. Oh and by the way, how is your head?"

"Um....my head is fine now. The pain went away a few hours ago." I said, looking down."And..I guess I do need to relax...a nice bath does sound good." I was wearing the same outfit from the night we first had sex.

"Splended, now hurry up and take of those clothes" he said, stareing deeply towrds me. I swear his eyes could have done the undressing.

Gulping abit, I loosed my tie and tossed it aside, my hands already working on the buttons of my shirt. I was blushing deeply, trying so hard not to look at Phoenix, who was still watching me.

"I dont see why you have to be so shy around me. I already saw you that time we made love back at the hotle room" he stated.

He was right, I shouldnt be so nervous. We had sex, and he even said I he liked what he saw in me. Quickening my pace, I took off my shirt and stripped off my pants, leaving me totally exposed. His smile grew even wider as I approached the tub, carefully placing one foot then the other. My body tensed up to the temperature of the water. It was perfect for a nice steamy bath, and my body began to coat itself with sweat.

"See...that wasnt so hard" he said, moveing over to me."Come, let me wash your back" he grabbed me by my waist, sitting me on his lap. I turned a shade of red as I felt his cock. It wasnt hard, but I could still feel it. That massive beast was just waiting to strike.

I sighed deeply to myself, relaxing my body as I felt his soft, cold hands brush up and down my back. it felt really good....too good. It felt so good, I began to get hard. I had to take my mind off of that, so I thought of the first thing that came to mind.

"So Phoenix...how did you get the band together?" I asked, looking down into the water. He stood silent, his hands continued to rub my back. That felt good.

"Well" he began." Michealangelo and I both traveled the world, seeking others like us. On the way we found Julia, who was once a Russian Nurse. Santos, we bumped into in Spain, Rye, we meet at a bar in Chicago, and Leon came to us unexpectedly one day. We dont know anything about him, excpet he was a pianist....any more questions?" he asked sarcasticaly.

"I see why you hate interviews" I mumbled. I heard him chuckle, his hands slowly moved to my sides. That made me shudder abit.

"You like that..don't cha?" he whispered into my ear. I felt myself get even harder.

No..NO...NOO!! dont let this get to you Rico!!

"Er umm I have another question" I said, trying to contain my errection. He grunted abit but stayed silent. "I...want to know, what was life like back when you were human, before you became a vampire" I asked, looking down at my hands.

Phoenix stopped rubbing my back. Had I said asked too much? Or was he thinking about that. His silence scared me. Glanceing over my shoulder, I was surprised to see that he wasnt mad, but his eyes were closed, a painful expression took hold of him.

"Im so sorry!" I gasped, turning around so I could face him."I didnt mean to go that far, I was just-"

"Its alright" he interrupted."I...was just thinking about the same thing." he said, slowly opening his eyes to meet mine."Its a long story..."

"Thats alright, I like long stories" I said, adjusting myself so that I was straddleing his hips. He softly smiled at my position and placed his hands at my hips. I could still feel that massive beast, just floating in the water, brushing ever so slightly againt my thighs.

"Well im sure you do" he said sarcasticly again. I blushed a deep red, but kept a serious look. "Before I became a vampire" he began" I used to work as a messenger. I delivered messeges to different town across London. I was born in London, and i knew it like the back of my hand." he smirked at his response."It wasnt fun, but It kept a roof over my head and food on the table."

"Did you live alone?" I asked, curiosity filled my tone.

"Yes, for a time I did live on my own. Men at that time werent open about thier sexuality. So it was hard for me to find the right one, then again there was never a right one for me.." I frowned at his comment. His brow furrowed as he playfully grinded my hips, a small gasp ecaped me."Hey, I ment I couldnt find one at that time! Let me finish" he hissed. " I meant to say was, I was alone, then after meeting Michealangelo and forming the band, I decided to go out and look for the right one, and here he his, sitting onto of my lap." he said, trailing his hands around my hips.

My heart leaped for joy as I hugged him, our bodies touching. Phoenix flinched underneath me, but remained calm. I looked back at him and he looked at me, our eyes connecting. He smiled softly, pressing his lips against my shoulder, his hands moveing up and down my sides. It felt like a surge of electiricity went through my body.

"P-Phoenix..." I moaned, trying to control my erection which was already half-way there. He pressed onwards, moving his lips to my collar bone, his tounge lifting itself to the crook of my neck. He pressed his lips once more, but something was off about his kisses. He kept on kissing one spot, the very spot where my pulse was. Then I felt two sharp teeth, gently graze the top of my skin.

"PHOENIX!" I yelled, pushing him away from me. He held a good grip on my waist, but I held a better grip on his shoulders. My eyes widened as I placed one hand upon my neck, makeing sure there no marks. His eyes widened, and his faceheld a cold demour to it.

"Even If I do bite you, there is no chance you'll become a vampire unless I give you my blood" he stated, his grip on my waist tightend abit more.

"I...I dont want to be like you...at least Im not ready.." I uttered. "I just want to spend as much time as I can with you. I love you Phoenix, i'm so in love with you" I said, gently pressing my lips against his.
He kissed me back, but it wasnt aggressive, nor sexual. It was soft, very soft. I parted our lips and stared at him. Had I bothered him saying that?

"Phoenix...do you love me?" I asked, my heart raced at the question.

His blue eyes narrowed, that cocky grin retured to his lips as he kissed me again, his tounge asking for its entrance. I denined his request and parted our lips again. His gazed became a glare.

"Rico, you mean the world to me, I'll show you how much you mean to me" he grabbed a good hold of my waist, I felt his cock harden from beneath me.

"Phoenix, no!" I gasped as he was about to slam me untop of it. He stopped, his head was just at my entrance.

"What?!" He hissed. I could tell he was annoyed.

"There...are others around..." I said, looking away. The hotel room was one thing, but in a house full of other vampire's and Anya, it was beyond awkward."Lets not have sex tonight..." I said, getting off of him and getting out of the tub.

I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. Turning arond Phoenix was already wrapped in his towel. I felt bad, I knew he wanted it, but I felt very uncomfortable since there were others around.

"Rico, everyone is on the otherside of the house, and the walls are sound proof" he stated, folding those muscular arms across his well toned chest.

"I..I know, its just, Im not really up into the mood for it." I lied. I really wanted to have sex with him, hardcore sex, like back in the hotel room. He looked at me, an unsureness was in his eyes but he shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

"Alright then, i'll give you a quickie" he said, grabbing hold of my wrist and pulling me out of the bathroom. The sudden cold air from the room made goosebumps rise on my skin.

"A quickie!?" I asked, unsure what he ment. I thought guys only did it to girls.

"Yeah, its just a quickie, i'll only take five minuets" he said, throwing me onto the bed and ripping off my towel. He took off his own towel and to my surprise, that massive beast of his was up and ready. "It should only stimulate you, nothing more." he added, placeing my legs over his arms and his head at my entrance."You ready Rico? I cant promise you no pain" he said, slowly entering himself into me.

Once again I felt like I was being ripped in half, it really fucking hurt. I closed my eyes, holding back the urge to let out a moan. This was just a quickie so I knew he wasnt going to go all hardcore on me, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I wanted him to.

He pumped himself even faster within me, the pain soon turning into quick, pleasure. I clawed the bed sheets, biting my lip. God he was so good. Only a minute had passed and he already flipped me over so that I was straddling him. He leaned back on his hands and opened his legs abit under me, giveing me more access to him. I arched my brow unsure.

"Hurry up, you have a three minute ride" he said in an hushed tone. Three minuets? I blinked a few times, grabbing hold of his side."Two minuets" he said, a smile creeped upon his lips.

I gasped abit and began to ride him, his cock entering me roughtly. he closed his eyes, a low groan emmited from his throat as I went down harder. He pushed up on me, makeing the thrusts more deeper.

"Three...two...one..." he said, stopping me in mid-grind with his hands. I let out a moan, wanting more. He looked at me, then pulled me off of him and wrapped his towel around his waist.

"Wait....that was too fast!" I said, getting off the bed and holding his arm.

"Thats why they call it a quickie, Duh!" he said, leaning down and pressing his lips agaist mine. "Im going to my room" he parted his lips."You should get some rest Rico"

"But...will I see you in the morning?" I asked, only becuase I dont want this to be another dream, where I wake up back in my room again.

"Well maybe in the afternoon. Im not really a morning person." he grabbed my arm and led me back to my bed. "Now go to sleep, maybe in your dreams you'll probably think of some porn with me" he joked.

I slightly nodded, looking down to the ground."I need to get some clothes" I mumbled. Phoenix merely smiled as he kissed my cheek and left my room. I was upset. And I learned one thing tonight and that is, I hate quickies.

Going inside the closet, I looked around and found a drawer full of boxers. I put one on and it fit perfectly.

"I know he means well, and I know he loves me...he does love me right?" I asked myself as I crawled into bed and closed my eyes. For the first time that night, I didn't dream about Phoenix.

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