I'm a Stripper, He's a Vampire {4}

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I nearly threw up my eniter organs on the side-walk on my way home. It was sickening, just thinking about what I had done. I should be used to it. Ive been doing it every school day for at least three weeks now.

Geeze Rico....pull yourself together...

It was horrible just to think about hearing him moan in sick pleasure. I still dont understand why everytime I give him a blow job, I feel this horrible, pain in the pit of my stomach. Ive done it a million times, mainly at the club, but with Richie, its different.

My walls began to contract and it was hard enough to breath. Thats when I felt it again, that urge to vomit, and of course I did. I ran behind a bush and let it all out. It was gross. I could taste my lunch mixed with the sour flavor of Richie's cum.

"Bloody Hell, you dont look so well chap" came a pippy voice from behind me.

I tunrned around and to my surprise I saw a man with a Ralf Lauren tailored suit and a briefcase. He appeard to me as an ordinary buissness man. But the only thing that wasnt ordinary was the six piercings on his ears and his blue and black spiky hair and those palegreen eyes of his.

"Who...Who are you" I manged to muster up, fighting down anther urge to vomit.

He looked at me for a sec, then just smiled and pulled out a red silk napkin from his pocket.

"My Name is Michalangelo Durlo. Im a record producer" He simply stated in his soft british accentas he walked up to me and handed me the silk napkin. "Now clean yourself up, chap. Whatever you must have eaten, I dont think it was well cooked."

I knew he wasn't any ordinary buisness man, but a record producer? Has luck finally came my way? Takeing the napkin in hand I wiped abit of my lips and smiled abit.

"Im sorry if you saw me pukeing my brains, out. I defenitly did eat something that was...rotten." I shuddered at the thought again. "Im, Rico Snow, its nice to meet you Mr. Durlo"

"Oh, please, just call me Mike." he simply stated. "Now, I see you and I are headed the same direction, mind if I walked you home Rico?" he asked.

"Umm...sure, but its only two bloks down" I informed.

"Its alrght, I just dont want you to pass out from throwing up so much" he laughed abit. His laugh was something beautiful.

I felt my face heat up, and I turned away to hide my blush. he mearly chuckled and procceded to walk, and I followed.

"So...Mike" I began. "What sorts of artists did you produce?"

"Hmm....well alot actually" He said in as matter- of -fact tome. Of coarse that was a stupid question, I dont know why I even said it. "I just finished doing a recording session with Dong Bang Shin Ki, or DBSK, do you know them?"

My heart light up abit.

"Yeah I know them, I love thier songs, especially Mirotic, thats my favorite. And my bestfriend, she loves that song, Wrong Number."

"Oh? Your bestfriend? I take it she is a girl right?"

"Yeah...how did you know?" I asked curiously.

"Well, most girls listen to that song..." he said once again in that tone. That made me felt stupid.

"Oh...well thats a pretty cool, job...I whish my job was as amazeing as yours" I mumbled, but I knew he heard me.

"Oh really? And where do you work at?" he asked in a curious mindset.

I hesitated to speak, I didnt know how to explain my job to him. Would he think im just a freak? Or is he one of those men that go after gay boys like myself.

"I...I work...at a club." I uttered out.

"Really? Any teenager would die, for a chance to work at a club. Then again it depends on what club you work at....where do you work at?"

I was hopeing he wasnt going to ask me that question.

"I work as...a bartender at Vondread."

He stood silent, something I had expected. But he also smiled, something, I feard.

"Thats excellent, im impressed. Its really hard to get a job at that club, unless your a stripper, but a young man such as yourself, you do pass off as a bartender with flying colors." he chuckled at his corny joke.

"Yeah....flying colors" I whispered.

We finally made it to myapartment in recored time. I looked up and I could see the lights were already on, which ment Anya was already home.

"Well, this is my stop, um....thank you for walking me home" I bowed politely to him.

"Oh no need to be so formal, it was my pleasure to escort you home. I do see that your feeling better." he assured.

"Well, here is your napkin" I said, holding the silk, red cloth out to him. For some odd reason, I wanted to keep it. The smell readiating off of it was pure heaven, like an angel onced used it.

"Oh, I want you to keep that. Concider it a gift from Phonenix Star" he said sweetly.

I almost felt like throwing up again. Did he just say Phonenix Star? Was this HIs Napikin?

"This belongs to Phoenix Star?..But...How do you know him?" I asked. My heart began to race, like I had been running a marathon for years on end.

Mike smiled an ever so sweet smile."Thats because...im his boss. Im the maneger of Forsaken."

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