I'm a Stripper, He's a Vampire {27}

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We got out of there as fast as we could. The media was already on the issue as soon as we got back to the mansion. Mr. Durlo was furious with what happened. Our prime suspect was now dead. But The Master is still out there, and I know he is definitely coming for me. Everything began to make sense now. The letters all spelled out my last name, Snow. I began to feel sick. I felt the horrible feeling of guilt rise within me. I felt like he died because of me. The fate of the world is in grave danger, and its all because of my existence.

“Rico…Rico?…Come on..at least have some lunch with us” called Anya from outside my room. I had been in there for at least two days, just crying my life away. “Rico, please come out. We all know your scared, but we can help. Please open up.”


I ignored her and continued to lay in bed. I couldn’t even bring myself to eat. The concert was only a few days away, and we still haven’t caught the right guy.


Knock Knock


“Go away” I hissed, throwing a pillow over my head. I wasn’t in the mood to speak to anyone, not even Phoenix, although I would love for him to be by my side right now. I heard the door slowly open, followed by silent footsteps. “Phoenix, I’m not in the mood” I hissed, throwing my pillow to his general direction.


“Well I didn’t come here to snoggle. I came here to talk to you” came a smooth, upbeat voice. It was Mr. Durlo, holding my pillow.


I sat up straight, wiping the left over tears from my eyes. I was surprised to even see Mr. Durlo let alone, he was here in my room. “What do want to talk about?” I asked, bringing my knees up to my chest. He smiled softly and walked over, sitting beside me on my bed.


“I just wanted to tell you that the concert is still going to happen, despite these occurrences. And that you are to be performing at our concert” My jaw dropped.


“But…what about the children! Wont they be there, hiding out in the crowd?” I asked, cringing at the thought of what might happen once I set foot on stage.


“That’s why you have all of us” came another voice. It was Phoenix, standing by the door frame. I rushed off the bed and threw my arms around him, my emotions always getting the best of me. He let out a grunt due to my sudden impact, but smiled all the same. “We will all be there, no one is going to hurt you, I promise.”


Again with the promises…


“Phoenix, would you like to tell Rico then, seeing as you are more enthused then I” Mr. Durlo said, walking over to the two of us. I looked over at Phoenix, unsure what was going on. He took my hand and pulled me out of my room, we both went to Mr. Durlo’s study.


“Phoenix, what did you want to tell me?” I asked, following him into the study. He said nothing, just continued to pull me."Phoenix?"

"Close your eyes" he simply stated. I didnt know what was his deal. Was this supposed to make me feel anybetter? Shrugging my shoulders I did as told and waited.

I heard his footsteps move around, then something sounded like it fell on the floor, like a blanket or something."Umm..can I open my eyes now?" I asked, temptation was creeping up my spine.

Im a Stripper, He's a Vampire.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें