XXII: Orange Puppet: Hope Ring's Fair Lady (II)

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, I saw Grand-pere and Baba as they walked on the bridge with a young Japanese man, who I presume to be their butler but I might be incorrect, followed behind them.

When they touched the ground of London, I walked toward them as Ariel, who is still dressed as a butler, walked behind me. I saw as people glanced at me in recognition as I brushed my trench coat against their winter coats.

I felt as the cold breeze blew my pony-tailed hair and my top hat, which I caught before the wind can steal it from me and throw in the far distant.

"Your Grace," Grand-pere and Baba greeted me and my eyes met with the attractive, young-adult mixed-Japanese man, who wore a dark-gray suit and I calculated his age to be around early twenties.

"Grand-pera, Baba" I said and hugged both of them. They smelled like the sea, the salt and the fresh, cold-breeze mixed together.

Grand-pere, whose name is Gregory Blackthorn, is a tall man, in his late-fifties, with brown hair and green eyes and a neatly trimmed moustache that sat above his thin lips. A person who always wore a black open suit and red vest with a white ruffled neck-tie and topped it.

While Baba, whose name is Chimiko-Chou is in her early-fifties. She is dressed in a light-blue floral decorated kimono, over her porcelain-skin and petite stature, and matching slipper over her socks. Also, she put her black, long hair in a high-styled bun and secured it with a black diamond-encrusted, gold-teeth hair comb. I assume that most of my traits are from her.

"This is Sasuke Chevalier" Baba said softly with a hint of her Japanese accent. As she said that Sasuke, bowed at me and greeted me in English. I heard more French accent from him than Japanese. He looked mixed, a French-Japanese probably, and that is why his eyes are green.

When he greeted Ariel, he smiled but I felt that it looks more like grin, with a hidden agenda. He must like Ariel, who wouldn't, she's pretty and all. However, it seemed like Ariel doesn't return the feelings. I mean, she likes Sebastian for a very long time that could be it.


When we arrived home, Ariel dressed back to her maid outfit and we explained to Baba that she disguised herself to fill in for Adrian, who is with Oma up North.

After Ariel prepared the extra room in the keeper's quarter for Sasuke, Grand-pere recommended that Sasuke will be my butler until Adrian gets here, They also added that they will stay at the room on the upper story of Papillon Noire, so that they can help in the shop and attend their other business in the city. After that, I lent Grand-pere my other carriage and they went to the city, after they gave me gifts.

In the end, Sasuke will occupy the extra room upstairs and will be my butler for a while. Hopefully, Ariel and Sasuke will became friends soon.

" I assume that you are Artemis?" Sasuke asked me as I we sat alone in the sitting room, while Ariel prepared my dinner. How did he know? Grand-pere and Oma?

"Sadly, yes. Since, you knew my real identity you can call me Artemis, but not in the public," I told him as I looked at his beautiful green-eyes, as his fringe tried to cover them.

"By the way, how did you meet Grand-pere and Baba?" I asked as I beckoned him to try the tea and desserts.

"My father and Mr. Blackthorn have been friends for a long time. Since, I am an heir of my father's company I asked Mr. Blackthorn if I can be his apprentice and here I am," he said and showed me his beautiful smile.

"Is that so," I said as I hide my jealousy by looking at the blue ring that is around my thumb. I want to learn from the best and that's Grand-pere.

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