Chapter 82: A Stunning Disagreement

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On their way to Pummelo Island, the group stopped at a nearby island so Zia could train with her Pokemon.

"Ok, Kaida. Today we're going to try and use water pulse. You remember using it back at Pinkan Island, right?" Zia asked the Dratini. "Mmhmm." She nodded. "Then let's get started." Zia smiled, walking over to a tree.

Kaida followed her, excited to see if she can do the move again. "Vile. Vileplume." They heard from beside them as they looked over to see a Vileplume. "Oh, hello. I hope we're not bothering you." Zia told it. "Vile." It shook its head, saying they were fine.

It was just Zia and Kaida in this area. Sky and Emmy were training on their own with KC, who was making sure they wouldn't stray too far or get into too much trouble. But now that she thought about it, that probably wasn't the best idea since he usually got in more trouble then they did, or at least as much. Kirlia was with them too, to actually watch them.

"Now, use water pulse." Zia started the training as Kaida closed her eyes, concentrating. After a few seconds, a tiny ball of water began to form, but it quickly fell to the ground as Kaida opened her eyes again, breathing heavily. Zia, who was analyzing the Pokemon, had an idea.

"You're thinking about it too hard, now-" She started but was cut off by a scream. Kirlia had suddenly teleported before them, but tripped over a rock as she pushed them down with her. All three fell into the flower of the Vileplume. "Plume, Vileplume!" It cried, uncomfortable as they tried to get out.

Having enough, the Vileplume sprayed a stun spore, Zia, Kaida, and Kirlia all inhaling it as the grass/poison-type finally got them out before walking away. "I can... barely move." Zia said, a little panicked. The two Pokemon were the same way.

Knowing KC, Sky, and Emmy didn't really know where they were, or what had happened to them, she began to reach for her bag, which was thankfully close by. Straining her paralyzed muscles, Zia finally reached it as she took out a pokeball, it didn't matter to her which one.

Opening it, a confused Dimitri came out. Looking around, he noticed the three laid on the ground, oddly still. "Guys? What's wrong?" He asked, worried. "Stun spore... Get KC... and the rest." Zia forced out, her body locking up. The Charizard quickly took off into the air, flying around the island in search of the male, Luxray, and Serperior.

"Zia?!" A voice asked a few minutes later as four figures emerged from the brush. Seeing the three paralyzed forms, KC, Sky, and Emmy got worried. "Thank you, Dimitri." KC said to the Charizard before picking up his pokeball and returning him. They then ran over to the rest, checking on them.


"We don't have any stun spore antidote?!" Emmy gasped as KC checked through the bags. "No, we must've forgotten to get them the last time we stocked up." He answered, rechecking, but still not finding any.

In the background, Zia, Kaida, and Kirlia were groaning in pain as they laid in the futons they had in a nearby cabin they found. Sky was sitting next to Zia, who was holding an equally sick Dratini to her. The Luxray frowned and leant down, nudging her trainer for any kind of response to make her feel better.

Zia shifted a little before barely opening one of her eyes. "Sky... I'll be fine. Just go... to the... Pokemon center and get... the antidote." She whispered before closing her eyes again. "There's a problem with that, the nearest Pokemon center is on a completely different island." KC informed, looking at the map.

"KC..." Kirlia groaned in discomfort. The male kneeled down next to her and felt her head. "She's burning up. No doubt the other two are as well." He mumbled as he got some towels out. "Let me do it." Emmy said, holding a vine out. "I can do it." KC denied, trying to walk out the door. He couldn't understand her, but he can understand their gestures by now. "No, really, I want to do it." The Serperior insisted, following him.

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