Chapter 19: Revelations in the Creepiest Places

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As Zia heads for Saffron City for her 4th gym badge, they get lost in a dark and mysterious forest.

"I really, really don't like this place." Emmy mumbled as she looked around, paranoid. Zia chuckled. "I quite like places like these. They give off a dangerous vibe to most people but to me it's actually soothing in a way." Emmy looked incredulously at her. "How is all this soothing?!" The Servine exclaims.

"I don't know how to explain it, I just feel like the darkness is misunderstood in a way." She tried to explain. Sky didn't really mind the dark forest either, she herself found it almost like a comforting blanket. They continued walking until they heard giggling.

They all turned to the source to find a little girl bouncing a ball. "Hello sweetie, do you live around here?" Zia asked the younger girl. The girl continued to giggle as she ran in the opposite direction. "Wait! Do you know the way out of here?" Zia questions as she runs after her. As she's running, the fog suddenly clears to show there is a cliff right in front of her. "Oh Arceus! Emmy help!" She shouted as she fell off the cliff side.

Emmy and Sky showed up in time for Emmy to catch Zia with some vines, pulling her back up to them. "That was not fun." She stated as she caught her breath. "Where'd the little girl go?" Sky asked as she looked around for her. "I don't know, she just disappeared. However, look what I found." Zia said as she pointed in the distance. Both Pokemon looked over to see a big city. "Saffron City." They both said.

"I've heard the gym leader is a girl named Sabrina. If you win you get the Marsh Badge." Zia stated as they made their way down towards the city. When they walked through the city gates, fire crackers went off. "What in the world?!" Zia shouted as they avoided the sparks. Once they stopped, she was about to look for who set them when two 'men' showed up in front of her.

They wore hats on their head and Hawaiian type shirts. They walked closer to Zia and put a lei on her.

Confetti went off and they took her hands, giving them a kiss on the back. Sky growled and they backed off quickly. "Uh, congratulations winner!" They shouted to her. Zia narrowed her eyes and stared at them, "Why would I win something from walking into the city?" She questioned suspiciously.

"It's simple, it just so happens your the millionth person to visit Saffron!" One said but they had quite a high voice for a male. Zia shrugged and they led her to a building. "This way to the grand prize room." They told her as they all went inside. Zia continued walking forward until one of the two spoke again. "Thanks for the Pokemon." A normal female voice said.

Zia looked behind her to see Sky and Emmy trapped in nets. "Hey, what do you think you're doi-" Zia started but she was cut off as the actual male pushed her onto an orange square. "You've won a trip through the warp tile!" He said as Zia was transported.

She stood up and noticed she was in a room with no way out. "There aren't any doors or windows?" She asked to herself. Suddenly, Jesse's voice could be heard. "Bingo. That warp tile is the only way in and out. There is no escaping." She stated. Then a tv came down from the ceiling, showing the two 'men' who Zia now realized were Jesse and James.

"Welcome to the premier show of 'Prepare For Trouble, Make It Double'" They both announced as they changed into their regular clothing. Zia cringed as she remembered they kissed her hands. "Oh! Eww, no no no. You're supposed to date each other, not drag me into the middle of it." Zia said as she wiped the back of her hands on her pants.

"We're not together!" They shouted at her, embarrassed. They went into their intro but Zia simply made some tea and ignored them. "This show is boring, I'm sure it'll be canceled soon enough." She stated as she took another sip of tea. "We're boring?" They asked looking at each other.

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