Chapter 8: The Work-Out Tent

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Back to the protagonist, Zia and her Pokemon are traveling down route 5 towards the next city. Zia had a small smile on her lips as she was humming to a random tune in her head to fill the peaceful silence. As they walked further they ran across a kid Zia's age that asked them for a battle, and Zia accepted.

They walked to an open area and sent their Pokemon out. The kid who challenged her, released a Rattata, while Zia sent Gunnar out. Geoffrey (let's name him that) looked confused but thought it just made the battle easier for him.

Rattata: The Mouse Pokemon
Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.

"Rattata, use tackle!" Geoffrey told his Pokemon. The Rattata ran towards the Kakuna, confidence radiating off of it. "Gunnar, harden as many times as you can." Zia said before the mouse Pokemon got any closer. Gunnar got a total of 3 hardens in before the opposing Pokemon could hit it. The move did some damage but not as much thanks to the hardens.

Zia was smirking as her plan unfolded, yes it was going to be quite tedious but it was going to be worth it. This cycle went on for 30 minutes before the Rattata got exhausted and fainted. Geoffrey retrieved his Pokemon and turned to Zia. Zia however, was to busy watching Gunnar who was glowing a familiar bright light.

It's shell cracked and broke to reveal a bee resembling creature with four legs, 2 of which are drills, four wings, and beady red eyes.

Beedrill: The Poison Bee Pokemon
Type: Bug & Poison
Flies at high speed and attacks using its large venomous stingers on it's forelegs and tail
Moves Learnt: Twineedle, Fury Attack, Rage, Pursuit, Venoshock, Assurance, Toxic Spikes

Zia smiles and chuckles brightly as she high-fived(drilled?) her newest evolved Beedrill. "I'm proud of you Gunnar!" She exclaimed, and Gunnar made a noise of thanks. She then turned to the boy and thanked him for the battle. Geoffrey thanked her back and went on his merry way, but not before mentioning that she should battle the undefeated A.J.

Curious being she is, Zia decided to seek out this A.J., and came across a huge tent being surrounded by wood logs. She looked up to see a sign stating that A.J. was undefeated with 99 wins. Just as she was to knock on the wooden gate, a boy with green hair, along with a black and orange shirt walked up to her.

"You here to become my next victory?" He asked in a strong country accent. Zia nodded and presumed that the boy was A.J.. He opened the gate and went inside. A Butterfree took his backpack. A.J., noting her curious stare explained. "It's filled with all the Pokemon I caught today." She nodded and stared at the tent, wondering what was in it. "A.J., what is in that giant tent?" She asked. Startled by her voice, he jumped and Zia got a chuckle out of it. Huffing, he motioned for her to follow and went to the tent.

As she went inside, Zia looked around and noticed how hard all of the Pokemon in here were working out. A work-out tent. The boy next to her watched all his Pokemon with a hawk eye and spotted the Sanshrew to the side slacking. Going over there, he urged it on by using his whip. Zia would have stepped in if she didn't notice how the Sandshrew actually appreciated it.

"Come on Sandshrew, keep going!" He spurred it on. He stopped after a couple more seconds and turned back to Zia. Seeing her not going ballistic over what he did made him feel grateful that someone else understood why he did it. As the two went around the tent to other Pokemon, Zia decided to let out hers.

All of Zia's Pokemon tried out the training regimen that A.J.'s Pokemon were doing. They were pretty decent at it, but A.J.'s were used to this and handled it better. While A.J. and Zia talked about how and why he trains his Pokemon like that, Emmy got accidentally stuck in Sandshrew's contraption he wears around him, making her curl into a ball. Sandshrew laughed and also curled up. Just then, a shady looking red object came into view behind them.

"I can't see a thing." A male voice whined. "Oh stop complaining, you're not the one who had to make it." Another male, but scratchy, voice said. "Both of you shut it and try and grab one of the twerpette's pokemon!" An agitated female's voice quietly bellowed. The others quickly closed their mouths and grabbed the first Pokemon shape they could. Unbeknownst to them, they grabbed Sandshrew.

As the trio snuck away, the Sandshrew got out of the bag and attacked them. Surprised, they had no time to defend themselves and took it head on, which ended with them being blasted away as always.

Back to Zia, she could've sworn she heard the screams of idiots but ignored it. Looking around she noticed there was a Pokemon short. "Where's Sandshrew?" She asked. A.J. looked around as well. Just then, said Sandshrew walked back in and went back to training like nothing happened. Zia then looked again and realized Emmy was stuck. "Oh no, Emmy! I'm sorry!" She exclaimed as she took the contraption off her Snivy. Emmy patted her knee in thanks and Zia picked her up, placing her on her shoulder.

Just as A.J. was going to ask for that battle again, 3 particular people busted into the tent. "Not again..." Zia mumbled under her breath. "Give over all the Pokemon twerps!" James demanded. "Can you just go away for like one chapter, PLEASE!" Zia huffed out. "Chapter? The twerpettes gone crazy." Jesse chuckled to herself. Groaning, she got ready to send out one of her Pokemon when A.J. stepped in front of her. "Hey! You guys here to become my 100th win?" He asked with his whip in his hands.

"Excuse me? You think you can beat us, you twerp?" Jesse exclaimed. "We'll show you who is who's win!" James announces. "Go Ekans/Koffing!" They both yelled at the same time. "Go Sandshrew!" A.J. yelled. Zia got bored and zoned out from the battle and just sat petting Sky and Emmy. Sky had been sleeping the whole time so she had no idea what was going on.

She then heard a familiar phrase. "Team Rocket's blasting off again!" Followed by the ting, Zia came back to where she was. "Congrats on your 100th win A.J. and as much as I would love to battle, we need to get going." Zia explained. "Ok, next time then!" He declared and Zia agreed. "Now I can finally start collecting badges." he said softly. "Is that what this whole thing was for?" She asked him. He nodded and she smiled at him. Waving to each other, they went their separate ways.

IM BACK PEOPLES! WHOOO! Sorry for like the 3 month wait hehehe....

Ok about breaking the 4th wall thing, I accidentally wrote that and decided to keep it. lol. And for the record, I love it when A.J. says Sandshrew in that accent he has, I laugh every time.

I also made a Luxray fanart and it's also my first time drawing a Pokemon. So, I hope you like it, think of it as Sky's future form or something idk.

 So, I hope you like it, think of it as Sky's future form or something idk

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Hope you've enjoyed 💜💜💜💜💜

Shinx~Luxio - Female (Sky)
Shiny Snivy - Female (Emmy)
Weedle~Kakuna~Beedrill - Male (Gunnar)
Pidgey~Pidgeotto - Male (Avery)
Vulpix - Female (Athena)
Clefable - Female (Mayas)

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