His Journal

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You were humming a small but sad toon while heading to your home village, Old Corona. You didn't live there anymore, it was abandoned quite some time ago.

It was quiet, which made you stop humming once you had gotten there. The sky was so gray and dull, the village felt like a ghost town.

You grew up here, it used to be so bright and comforting. Now there was nothing, except for the destroyed and empty homes.

As you passed by those houses, you touched the black rocks that had broken them, that had made them collapse.

Seeing your childhood home like this made you want to break down in tears. But you couldn't stop and just sob all day, you wanted to visit your old home, or at least, an old friends home.

You walked to the main part of the village and there in front of you, was Varian's home. It felt so, familiar, but those black rocks and cracked walls that were starting to fall apart, made it somewhat hard to recognize.

After your parents had abandoned you, Varian and his father took you in. This was your home now, or, at least was. You and Varian had grown up together, in this very house.

But, Varian had disappeared shortly after his father passed. You haven't seen him in months, maybe even a year. And that's why you were here, to go through Varian's old things so that you could have something of his. To have a little piece of him with you.

Taking a deep breath, you walked inside and down to Varian's old lab. There were cobwebs hanging from every corner of the room, books covered with dust, old vials and materials on desks and placed in boxes, and a giant rock in the center of the room that had impaled itself through Varian's lab.

You remembered watching Varian for hours as he tested new experiments. You found it adorable and entertaining when he talked about his Flynn Rider books. You smiled when remembering how he was such a dork back then.

You now walked over to Varian's desk, you brushed off the dust and looked at the old papers that had turned slightly yellow over time. You picked one up and read it, "One of his failed experiments. Huh, looks like he kept trying on this one." You smiled and set it down.

You then noticed a journal, Varian's journal. Carefully, you opened it. The first page had Varian's first experiment. It didn't work of course, but in the note, it said he had fun trying it.

Fliping through more of the pages, you remembered some of the experiments that they had listed on them.

Just as you were about to flip the next page, you saw something sticking out from the book. You turned the page and you stared at it in surprise.

In that page was a small picture of you and Varian that Rapunzel had painted for you. You slowly picked up the photo and stared at it.

In the picture, Varian was hugging you with one of his arms, while the other was up in the air. You both had smiles on your faces and Varian's was so big that his eyes were closed.

You remembered how close you and Varian were, tears formed in your eyes and you hugged the picture.

A few seconds later, you set the picture to the side. You then picked up the book and noticed that the pages were about you.

The first page read;

(Y/N) is such a good friend! We've known each other since we were 4 and we grew up together.

She loves my experiments and watches me make them, even if they fail. She always tells me to never give up and one day, my experiments will succeed and I can use them to help my village!

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