The Best Part of Me... Is You

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AHHH I LOVE THIS SONG!! THIS SONG IS CALLED BEST PART OF ME BY ED SHEERAN!! *Clears throat* sorry about that, I just got excited XD
I will be changing the lyrics a bit just to fit the scenario.
Another story where Varian is in prison, I know sad :< BUT HE WON'T BE IN THERE FOR LONG! You'll see! ;)

The song is here! And since we hit over 1,000 reads, this will be another special story. Thanks so much for your support and reading this ^w^
I couldn't have done this without you! <3



Varian's POV:

It's dark and it's cold, not to mention lonely in this cell. The only company I have is Rudiger, but it would be nice to have someone here with me who can talk back instead of making little chitter noises.

It's been a few months since I've been locked up and away from the ones I care about. I still wish I could have saved my dad, maybe if I didn't get all mad and attack the kingdom he would be here and I wouldn't be in this cell.

Maybe I would still be with... Her.

(Y/N) was my best friend, she was there for me ever since we were little. We grew up together, not once we're we apart.

When my dad got encased in the amber, she did everything to calm me down. But I pushed her away, I yelled at her... I let my anger cloud my mind and I didn't listen to her.

The last time I saw her was when I was loaded into a carriage to be sent to prison. The look on her face broke my heart. She looked shocked, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

I couldn't help but think all of this was my fault. I wanted to apologize to her, for not listening to her words.

"Everything is going to be alright Varian, we'll find another way to free your dad."

"No! Nothing is going to be ok! Rapunzel broke her promise and now my dad is trapped in there!"

She did her best to help me, and in return, I betrayed the entire kingdom and almost killed the queen and Cassandra. I bet if I managed to kill them, Rapunzel would have been next.

"My lungs are black my heart is pure."

I started to sing quietly so I wouldn't disturb anyone around me. I just needed something to calm me down.

"My hands are scarred from nights before."

Rudiger climbed into my lap and curled up in a ball. I gently ran my hand through his fur, remembering my failed attempt at breaking out a few nights ago.

"And my hair is thin and falling out of all the wrong places."

From being mentally stressed for a long time, my hair started to fall out but only a little.

"I am a little insecure."

When I wasn't in prison, a lot of people in my village thought I was dangerous because of my love of alchemy. I guess they were right in the end.

"My eyes are crossed but they're still blue. I bite my nails and tell the truth."

I sighed and sat back, leaning against the wall that my bed was against.

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