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Something was wrong with you. At least, that's what everyone thought. You started to think that as well after all the glares and whispers of other people as you walked past them.

Ever since you were born, you had a strange talent. No one in your family knew where it came from, it was all a mystery throughout your life. You even remember your parents frantically trying to get you to a doctor to figure out what was happening with you.

See, when you were born, something weird happened to your hands when you were asleep. As a newborn, you were placed in a newborn nursery. (I don't know what they're properly called but it's those rooms with the big window with all the little babies inside :3)

As little newborn you started to relax and fall asleep, your hands started to glow. They almost lit up the entire room. When your parents saw this, they panicked and called a nurse over.

The doctors tried everything to figure out what was causing your hands to glow, but no one knew what or where this strange new power came from.

That's when the stares came. Everywhere you went when you around 2 or 3 years old, people would stare at you and give you these odd looks. Some people would whisper rumors about you behind your back.

"M-mommy, why are people staring at me?" You looked up at your mother who was holding your hand.

She looked around at the strangers before looking down at you. "I don't know sweetie, just ignore them alright?" Your mother gave you a sweet but sad smile and you both continued walking home.

That was one of your earliest memories of when you found out that you were different. And that's when the bullying happened.

When you started school, you remember reading a book in the corner of the room. You started to relax when all of a sudden, your hands started glowing.

And ever since that day, people started calling you names and saying things like; "You're Nothing" "You're Different" "You're a Freak" the list could go on.

Then the bullying got physical. People would shove you to the floor and kick you, punch you, and a few times people managed to shove you down the stairs. You would come home with bruises and cuts every day after school.

This got to be too much, your parents decided that you needed to transfer schools. Once you did, they made you wear these white gloves every day in order to keep your power a secret.

You never made a friend, you never talked to anyone, people saw you as a loner. You didn't mind, you wanted to stay away from anyone.

You avoided others as much as possible... Until you met, him.


One Monday afternoon, you were walking down the halls of your school for your last class of the day. You hung your head to hide your face, your (H/C) hair helping to keep your face hidden.

You were staring at the floor as you walked, you hadn't noticed the young boy standing in front of you with his back turned.

You bumped into him and dropped most of your books and he stumbled forward.

The boy turned to you and you felt a little panicked. "O-oh, I-I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't looking where I was going!" You stuttered and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Oh no, it's ok! Here, let me help you pick up your books." He said. He knelt down and picked up your books, when he stood up again he handed them to you.

You took them and looked away from and him before replying, "Th-Thank you."

"No problem! My name is Varian by the way, what's yours?" He held out his hand to you and you flinched.

Varian X Reader ~ONESHOTS~Where stories live. Discover now