Your Biggest Fan

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More Older Varian X Older Reader! You'll be around 18 along with Varian. (There will be characters from different movies :3) Not gonna go into TOO much detail, you are a famous singer who travels to different kingdoms or villages to perform for entertainment with your band. Your next stop, Corona.

(B/N)= Band Name


"Another show done! Good job guys!"

You were backstage with your band, resting after a successful night of performing. "Where are we heading next?"

Your drummer, Hiro Hamada, pulled out a schedule and skimmed it through. His finger stopped at the middle of the paper.

"The kingdom of Corona! Heard that place is wonderful this time of year." Hiro handed you the schedule and you smiled.

"This will be our first time there it seems, wonder if it's similar to Arendelle." You rolled up the schedule and handed it back to Hiro.

"I heard the princess had magical healing powers, but some say she doesn't anymore because she had her hair chopped off." Said your guitarist, Miguel Rivera.

"I'm pretty sure she's the queen now, Rapunzel, she sent us this invitation after all." You shrugged and sat down on a chair, you then wiped imaginary sweat from your forehead.

"What was her request?" Asked your pianist, Wendy Darling.

You pulled out the invitation from your satchel and read it out loud; "Miss (Y/N), lead singer of the band (B/N), I kindly ask you to come to the kingdom of Corona by the end of the week. I would love for you to perform at our wedding celebration, I've heard a lot about your band. You are welcome to sing any song you like. I hope you accept my invitation. Signed, Queen Rapunzel."

"Any song huh? How about Sweater Weather?" Hiro asked as he got up from sitting on a stool.

"That would be a good song, but the only instrument that we need is the piano. We don't have a male singer to do a duet." You shrugged and slouched in your chair.

"I'm fine with that, how about you Hiro?" Miguel said and turned to Hiro to wait for his response.

Hiro put his hands on his hips and smiled. "I don't have a problem with that either. Maybe we could look for a singer in the crowd, all they need is a good voice and to know the lyrics to the song."

"Great idea Hiro!" Wendy jumped up and down in excitement. "We should do that more often, that way people can be more involved with our band! What do you think (Y/N)?"

You thought about it for a moment, you thought it was a good idea. But you would have to practice with them, wouldn't you? I mean, as long as they knew the lyrics, knew when to come in and have a good singing range then it was alright.

"I don't see why not, but I feel like we should practice with them first. Maybe we could have auditions, Hiro and Miguel can advertise it while me and Wendy set it up somewhere in Corona. By the time we get there, we'll have two days to find someone and practice." You smiled confidently and stood up. "But if we want to get to Corona in time, we best pack up now and get on the ship."

Everyone smiled and scrambled to pack up their things. You helped put away the microphones and then helped your friends pack up their stuff. This would be exciting for all of you.


"We're here guys! Corona ahoy!" Hiro shouted as he looked over the side of the boat.

You giggled and raced over to his side to get a look at the kingdom. Your eyes lit up at the sight of how beautiful it was. "Wow! This is so cool!"

Varian X Reader ~ONESHOTS~Where stories live. Discover now