Chapter 15- Cornered

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We are getting towards the end guys!!

Okay so this story i've been writing has been a complete rollercoaster ride! Thank you all so much for reading!! I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's taken me a while to put it up. But I finally did it! almost 600 reads!!!! AHHHH

fyi shits about to go down. for real.


Ana's POV

"15 minutes guys!" John said popping his head inside the dressing room. Luke and I were laying in the floor being lazy and tired. Calum and Elle sat on the sofa listening to music and talking. Michael and Ashton were making keeks.

"Hello guys! How are you?" he asked into the phone.

"Hi Ashton!" I yelled. "HELLO!" I yelled again.

"I'm trying to keek STOP YELLING!" and we both started laughing.


"Time to go!" John said popping his head in yet again. Luke stood, then helped me up. I watched him grab is guitar off the stand sliding the strap over his head. He headed for the door. I just a stood there. In a trance.

"America?" Luke called me by his nickname for me, snapping me out of my trance. "You coming?"

"Yea, sorry." I trailed off walking towards him. I took his hand as we walked towards the stage.

"Good luck." I said as he was about to go on stage.

"I don't need luck. I've got you." he kissed my cheek, running out on stage with his best friends. Living his dream. His long fingers wrapped around the slim neck of his beloved guitar. Probably the one thing he loved more than me. Or food. I was just sad that I probably wouldn't be able to share it with him for the rest of his life.

>>>Later after the show Lukes POV<<<

The light from the street lamp shown yellow light over the side walk where we stood. I leaned on the cold brick wall. Ana stood in front of holding my hand. We waited outside the hotel for the tour bus to arrive. She had guitarists hands. Calloused, rough, and dry. She had short jagged fingernails and a lot of hangnails on her fingers.

"Why are you staring at my ugly hands?" She asked me taking her hand away. She held it up to her face, looking over her glasses Ana examined the chipped black nail polish.

"They aren't ugly. How could you think that?" I asked. I took her hand away from her face. I held it smoothing over the rough hangnails.

"Because it's true. They are jagged and hangnailed, with dry blood from me picking at them." She concluded.

"Look," I said holding out my hand next to hers."Mine are calloused and have hangnails. They're jagged and chipped just like yours. It's the mark of a good guitar player."

Jerking her hand away from my grip, she laughed, saying "oh whatever. You're just trying to make me feel better about having ugly hands."

I took hold of her waist pulling her closer. Her hands naked up around my neck.

"No part of you is ugly. Don't you ever think that."

I leaned down pressing my lips to hers. Responding she slid her fingers up into my hair, tugging and pulling. Turning me on.

"Ugh get a room!" michael called from down the sidewalk.

"Oh michael.." Ana called back. " Fuck off." She turned back to me slamming her lips on mine.

Molly's POV
My kids sat on the bed of our small hotel room watching tv. They looked in a trance rather than actually watching what was on the television.

"Okay kids. Time to sleep." I said pulling back some covers for Beth who would sleep with me tonight.

"Mom, it's almost 4am and we have school, so there's no sense in trying to sleep."

"You don't have to go to school if you don't want to," I suggested. "That way you can sleep as much as you want."

"I'll take that offer." Jonah said pulling back his own section of covers.

"Come on Beth a free day off? you don't wanna take that offer?" I asked.

"Okay, I guess one day off wouldn't hurt."

"I still have to go into work at 6 tonight. But as long as you guys stay In the room and don't answer it for anyone, you should be good right?"

"Yea. We'll be okay,"

"Now sleep kids. You need it."

<8am the same day>

I woke up to teen mom on mtv and Beth sitting in the chair watching it. Jonah was still curled up in his blankets fast asleep.

"Mom I'm hungry." Bethany complained.

"Okay okay, I'll run to the store and pick up some groceries. Just enough for a few days."

"Get muffins! I like muffins."

"Okay, Beth, I'm leaving this. Only use it if you have to." I set my taser on the counter. Beth nodded and looked at it worry flushing into her eyes. I grabbed my purse and left the small room.

Beth's POV
Mom had been gone about 45 minutes, and Jonah was now awake. There was a loud bang on the door.


I looked over at Jonah wondering what we should do.

"Who is it?" Jonah yelled at the door. He and I both crawled out of the bed. I walked to the small counter where my mom had left the taser. Clicking it on I heard the faint buzz of the electricity running through its circuits.

"Open the door!" A husky voice yelled through.

"Tell me who it is!" Jonah yelled back. "Get in the closet." Jonah whispered to me. I slid the door back and got into the closet that was behind the door. Jonah slid in on the other side. He reached out through the door of the closet and unlocked the door, opening it. The door busted open and two bear like men exploded through. Throwing my side of the closet open I tased the first man in the neck.

"ahh!: He yelped in pain and hit the floor.

"Hey!" The other man yelled. Grabbing for me I lunged out of the way. Jonah emerged from the closet and smacked the other man over the head with the back of an iron. he fell to the floor with a thump and I tased the back of his neck.

"Let's get out of here!" I ran to Jonah grabbing his arm and pulling him through the door with me. We ran down the corridor. "To the stairs!" I yelled running as fast and I could. I pumped my legs the burning sensation working its way from my feet to my thighs. The door was 30 feet away. 20, 10, 5, two more men came through the door. Skidding to a stop Jonah and I whirlled around and began running full speed the other way. Another man was running toward us. They had us cornered. No escaping.

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