Chapter 25- He'll pay

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Ana's POV

I woke up on some couch, the last thing I remembered was getting hit over the head in the dressing room.
My vision was blurry and my head was throbbing. My hands and feet were bound with tape and there was a gag in my mouth. I managed to push it out of the way, "help! HELP!" I shouted.
"No one is coming to help you at 39,000 feet in the air honey," I looked over the woman that spoke, it was Lily.
"Lily?" I was puzzled. She was focused on filing her nails.
"Ugh I hate that name you know,"she said looking up from her manicure process. "My name is Adelaide. Addie if you want, doesn't make much of a difference to me,"
"Lil- Addie, what's going on?" I looked around and came to the conclusion that I was on a plane.
"You are on your way to your family!" She cocked her head to the side and looked at me with her icy blue eyes, they reminded me of Lukes eyes, I wanted to sob but, quickly internalized it. I didn't want her to see me cry.

"Okay, but, how do you know where they are?" I asked.
"How do you think? I worked for the FBI and believe me that Richard guy must have some serious sexual frustrations, because it didn't take much to get what I needed out of him." She shrugged filing away at her already perfect nails.
"Okay so if you are taking me to my family why didn't you just say so? Instead of hitting me over the head," I said and rubbed the back of my skull where a large sore bump was.
"Because, I knew if I explained everything you wouldn't come with me." She said, and shrugged. She got up and walked over to the small bar, she poured herself a drink then turned around. She leaned on the bar and sipped her drink. I sat there confused, I couldn't understand what was going on.

"Okay, you got me Addie I'm officially confused." I said trying to stand up. "Your name sounds familiar but I just can't put my finger on it."
"Oh my God, you must have a concussion or something, did Phil hit you to hard?" She said patronizingly. "Higgins, does that ring a bell?"
"Well yeah, he's the man that ruined my life, and my families lives."
"Watch it! That's my father your talking about,"

"Your his daughter!? I said, though it came out more like a question rather than a statement. "Your father ruined my life." I was furious. I didn't know how to control it so I lunged for her throat.

I grabbed her throat trying to choke her, "How could you help your father like that!? How do you think it's okay to hurt people and ruin their lives, everything they ever worked for?!" I yelled as my hands tightened around her her neck. I wanted to crush her windpipe, I saw her face turning red. She pushed at my face, trying to get me to stop, Addie banged on the floor attempting to get someones attention. Someone burst through the cockpit door. I felt a sharp prick in my neck, then everything went black again.

Luke's POV

We were on a plane, we knew they were headed back to Australia. Arthur couldn't use his computer on the plane so we didn't know if they'd landed yet or not, we didn't know how fast they were going to tell us how long it would take them to get there. Samantha told the pilot to fly as fast as possible without killing us. We were landing in the same airstrip that they were so we shouldn't be to far behind them.




After landing we were hurried into a black van and on our way to save Ana. She was all I could think about, I didn't care what happened to me, the only thing I cared about was getting her back to me, and keeping her safe. I never wanted to let her out of my sight again.

Part of me knew that after all this was over, we were either going to be together, or never see each other again. I tried not to think like that, but it was like bacteria just festering and growing in the back of my mind.

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