Chapter 21- I Tried.

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<Beth's POV>

I writhed in the sharp searing almost a burning pain in my knee. I let out a ear drum ripping scream, and in return I received a smack to the face with the butt of whatever gun the henchman used to bust my knee. Then everything was black.

I returned to consciousness on the cold stone floor of the warehouse. I looked around to see my mother and Jonah with a sense of relief on their faces. My mother spoke first.

"You're knee is in pretty terrible shape, when we get out of this it'll need major surgery." She said.

"You were really brave," Jonah said. I nodded to him, my knee was still burning with pain. I averted my eyes from it, I didn't want to look at its grotesqueness. "What did he do to you?" Jonah asked. I didn't really want to tell because I knew my mother would go off the deep end. "He made me call Ana, and at first I had to leave a message, but then she called back, he tried to make me lie to her and get her to come here. Then I got shot in the knee, and screamed and then everything went black. I'm not sure what he told Ana or what he's asked her to do. I don't know anything. Mom I'm so sorry, I tried to tell her not to come! I tried." Hot tears filled my eyes and poured over the rim of my eyelids.

<Lukes POV>

I left Ana in her bunk and went to mine to lie down also. This situation was becoming surreal. I didn't want to believe that someone was out to kill the girl I love. My mind was spinning with scenarios that could happen and then my anxiety sat in.

>>>>>>>>>> the hotel in Dijon

<Ana's POV>

I slid the plastic square into the slot in the door handle. Luke was standing next to me holding the small bags we were told to bring because the boys had two shows and few appearances to do in Dijon. I opened the door and we walked in. I quickly found a lamp switched it on. Luke had set the bags down on the large bed in the middle of the room, I sat on the bed also. I felt Luke crawl across the bed to the other side where I was sitting. Both of his legs appeared on either side of me and his large hands began massaging my shoulders.

"Everything's going to be okay," he said.
"I hope so. I don't know when Samantha is coming to get us. But, I'm not supposed to leave the hotel. So I won't be at the show tonight." My voice wavered. I so badly wanted to act as though nothing was wrong. As though Luke had not an inkling of the truth.
"I understand. I'm staying in here tonight. After the show. And you have to promise me you'll keep everything locked. And not open it for anyone except me or Samantha." His voice was firm.
"I promise." I said. He moved my hair away my neck and pressed his soft lips to it. "I love you."
"I love you too Luke." I said.
"Everything's gonna be okay. I promise." He said. His arms wrapped
Around my shoulders protectively.
"What do you want to do? Since I'm stuck in here," I asked.
"Well I do have the show in about two hours, so I'll need to have a shower." He said raising his eyebrows. I knew exactly what he was implying.


guys..... I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like three months. I've been really uninspired, and I've also been going through a lot of personal things right now, and it's not fair for me to neglect your guys's love of crossfire, (At least I hope you love it, if you don't, I hope I can make it better for you so you do love it.) Anyway guys I just want to apologize and say that I am truly sorry, and if you read my other story that I co-write with one of my best friends @1975sosfobgdkam (AKA emma) than you know that I haven't written the next chapter of that either. And I'm sorry for that also. and this A/N is getting really long and I'm sorry to bore you guys with it, I mean it's not like anyone ever reads this part anyway. so goodbye for now. Summer has started for me and I am taking a vacation on June 11 so maybe Las Vegas will inspire me. Love you all. You all are my boobas love you bye.

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