Chapter 3- quiff it baby

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"So you must be the miss America everyone's talking about huh?" the quiff boy asked from across the row. Apparently whatever he was looking at on his phone was very interesting, because he didn't even bother looking me in the eye when he asked his question.

"Yea. I guess so." I said looking at him.

"Cool, I'm Luke." He said finally looking at me. "You talk funny you know that America?"

"I guess to you I do talk weird. But to me your the one that has the weird accent Aussie." I said giving him my own nickname.

He raised an eyebrow when I said Aussie. He smirked and bit his lip ring.

"You really shouldn't bite your piercing." I advised him.

"And what do you know about piercings?"

"A lot actually. I used to have snake bites for a long time. But my father was really disgusted with them and made me take them out last year."

"So," he retorted. obviously not knowing of my past facial jewelry.

"I also have 7 piercings In my left ear and 3 lobe piercings in my right and an industrial in my right." I said smirking at his look of disbelief.

"Oh yeah? Prove it. " He said.

"Alright, consider your challenge accepted." I said and lifted the hair away from my right ear exposing 3 small crystals in my lobe and my gold industrial piercing.

"Fuck, America. You're tough." He said. I assumed that was a compliment. I turned and showed him the piercings in my left ear. His mouth fell open.

"You might want to close your mouth, you'll catch flies." I said half smiling.

He closed his mouth his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink as he looked down at his desk.

"My name is Anastasia by the way, not America." I told him.

"I know. But to me, your America." He said. The bell rang signaling the end of home room. I looked at my timetable, creative writing was first. I walked beside Luke until we reached the door. He grabbed my timetable.

"Creative writing, with Mrs. Crawford is down the hall. I pass it every morning. I'll walk you there." he told me rather than asking.

"Okay," I said walking out the door with him. We got about halfway down the hallway before some girl, apparently a friend of Luke's, walked up and practically knocked him over.

"Hey Lukey!!" She said. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Anastasia. She's new." He introduced me.

"Oh yeah! You're that American girl!" She almost yelled in my face. "My name is Kayla." She said holding out a hand.

"I prefer Ana," I said shaking her hand.

"Oh cool," she said.

"Creative writing with Mrs. Crawford." Luke said pointing to the door.

"Thanks Aussie. See you around Kayla." I gave a small wave and walked into class.

I'm in fucking love with his quiff. I thought to myself.

I handed my timetable to Mrs. Crawford she signed it and gave it back to me.

"Take a seat next to Mr. Hood" She said pointing to a boy who looked Asian, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't.

I walked to the back of the room and sat next to Mr. Hood. He was wearing a white t-shirt with some band I didn't know on it, black skinny jeans and vans.

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