Chapter 20- Shes fine

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<Ana's POV>I began dialing Samantha's number when I glanced up to meet Lukes worried look on his face. I didn't want him to get too involved with what was happening. Samantha was going to ring my neck when she finds out I told Luke.It kept ringing for a while then she answered.

"Hello?" She said into the receiver.

"Hi Samantha, I need your help,"

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

"Higgins, he has them!"

"Has who?!"

"Mom, Beth, and Jonah! He's torturing them and wants something in order to let them go!"

"What does he want?"

"He either wants my father or 4 million dollars."

"Okay, don't worry, calm down, I'll send someone out to get you and we'll get through this, just hang tight for a few hours. Where are you?"

"Somewhere between Paris and-" I didn't remember where in the world where we were going. So I pressed the phone to my shoulder and asked Luke."Luke! Where are we?"

" somewhere between Paris and Dijon."

"Dijon," I said into the receiver."As in France?!" Samantha almost screamed into the phone. "What are you doing there! I told you all to stay in Australia!"

"I know I know. Just please help me!"

"Fine fine. Get to Dijon and I'll have someone waiting for you there to get this whole this sorted out." Samantha said almost calmly. "And Ana I hope you didn't tell anyone about this. Higgins has a thing for hurting the ones you love most."

I looked up at Luke who was looking at me worriedly. I just stayed quiet on the phone. "I already know you told someone." Samantha whispered thought the receiver. I just sighed."Just bring him with you. He'll be safer with us than anywhere else." She said and the other line ended.

I looked to Luke, his eyes filled with worry.

"You have to come with me. Samantha said its not safe for you to be out here without any protection. I'm sorry Luke. This is all my fault." I hung my head low.

"Hey, look at me," he lifted my chin with his hand. "I'll go. It'll be fine. Everything's going to be okay."

"What are we supposed to tell your mom?"

" let's not worry about that now. Let's just get to the hotel first." Luke said then helped me up off the asphalt.

I took a deep breath and then texted Samantha telling her what hotel we would be at in the next few hours. We walked back on the bus and everyone was sitting in the little kitchen space looking worried.

"Ana are you okay?" Ashton asked first. I was going to answer, but Luke answered for me.

"She's fine now, Ana just needs to lie down for a while." He said to Ash. I nodded and walked back to my bunk and rested my head on the pillow.


Sorry guys this chapter is really short but the rest of them are going to be about this size because I really don't want this book to end. But it has to and that's that. Anyway I love you all Talk to you next time.

Kisses, Sierra

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