Chapter 18- I just don' t know anymore

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I heard the faint sound of gun shots, my eyes snapped open as I was jolted from sleep. I quickly sat up and my forehead collided with something hard. Luke was holding his jaw. 

"ahh! My chin!" He shouted. 

"Aww I'm sorry!" I apologized. I moved his hand away from his jaw and kissed it. "There, all better." 

"Ugh, Can you both take your lovey dovey stuff somewhere else?" I looked over and saw Michael with a game controller in his hand. I heard some more gun shots and looked up at the TV, he was playing Call Of Duty. 

"Chill out Michael." Luke said. 

"I don't have to chill" He said. "I'm in the middle of war!" He was shouting now. 

I got off the lounge and walked to kitchen area towards the front of the bus. I grabbed a plastic bag and filled it with ice. I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist . 

"Is that for me?" Luke said. He leaned down and kissed my neck his actions sent chills down my body. He continued to nip and suck at the skin until a very loud throat clear, we broke apart instantly. I looked over out of the corner of my eye to see Luke's mom. 

"If you two want to make out I suggest you wait until we get to our next stop." She spun on her heel and walked to the back lounge. She was still in her pj's and carrying a rather thick novel. 

I snorted a laugh and sat next to Luke in the table thing. I handed him the bag of ice, he took it and pressed it against his jaw. 

"Well that was awkward." I said. Luke just stayed quiet, I slipped my fingers int the spaces between his. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him. I could see in his eyes that something was wrong. 

"Last night when I said I didn't care that, you know," He trailed off. 


"Well I don't know if I really don't care. One part of me feels like it doesn't matter because I love you. But another part of me wonders if you really love me back." 

It took me a minute to let what he said sink in. It took almost all of me not to jump up and scream. How could he even fathom the thought of questioning the love I have for him. After I'd just told him something I was never supposed to tell anyone ever in my life. But then I thought about how I would feel if I found out that Luke's identity was a lie and I calmed down a little. 

"I'm confused, are you questioning my love for you?" I asked him. He remained quiet. "Luke, do you think I would be risking everything if I did't love you? At this very moment I'm risking my life. my famiy's lives, and probably the lives of everyone on this bus. The man that's after me, he's a murderer, he doesn't care about lives, he only cares about money." I was quiet for a while. And Luke didn't say anything. "Luke I didn't expect to fall in love with you, okay? But I did, and I don't regret a single bit of it. How do I prove my love to you?" He was still silent for a while. I could tell he was thinking about what to say next. 

Then he spoke. "You know I love you. But I'm not sure who I fell in love with. Did I fall in love with a facade or did I fall in love with the real you?" The look on his face wasn't like one I'd ever seen before. It worried me. 

"I know you love me, the fact that you would tell me such a huge secret like that has to mean that you love me. And I love you too."But I'm just not sure at the moment." 

I was astonished at the fact that he would just not want me after all i said to him. 


"Luke, look at me," he turned and looked in my eyes. "I don't want you to feel any different about me, because I don't want you to think for one second that the girl you fell in love with is any different now that she has a new name. Weather I'm Jessica or Anastasia. I'm still the same girl inside, I'm still yours."

I had basically just poured my heart out into a bowl for him. But every word of it was true. Every single word. He took some to time to think .

"Luke, if you want some time to think about it I'm more than happy to give it to you. I would do anything for you." I said that and stood to walk away. Some part of me wanted him to grab my wrist and pull me back so he could say that he understood. That he still loved me no matter what. But he didn't he just let me walk away.

I walked to my bunk and got my phone. I had a missed call and voice mail from an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and listened to the voice mail.

"Hi Ana!" It was Bethany, but by was she calling me from a random number.  While I was thinking I missed a few of the words she'd said in the message. "Mom is sick, I want to give you all the details so call me back at this number ASAP! Love you, bye!" The message ended. Something about the message and the number gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. Something wasn't right about mom being sick. She wasn't ill that often, and she for sure wouldn't let it get to her. She'd pop a few day quill and keep trucking. So, I called back. 

It rang for a while and then someone answered. 

"Hello?" they voice was shaky, and it belonged to Beth. 

"Hey Beth," I said, "hows mom?" 

She paused. I knew it mom wasn't really sick, I heard someone whispering on the other end of the line. I cound't make out what they were saying though. 

"Bethany don't lie to me, what's going on? Where are you?" 

"I'm with Higgins he got us Ana. He's been beating us and trying to get us to tell him where dad is, and we don't know! He thinks you know and we don't. But don't do anything don't you-" The sound of gun shot cut her off. 

"Bethany?! Beth are you there?!" I stammered trying to fathom what had just happened. Then Higgins's voice came on the line. 

"Hello Ana. I'm glad you answered this time." 

"What did you do? Did you kill my sister?!" I wanted to scream and shout but I couldn't. There were other people on this bus so I was forced to whisper shout. 

"Don't worry I didn't kill her yet. She's just wallowing the pain of a gunshot wound to the knee cap." 

"You're a monster. You know that? A coldblooded monster." 

"Well I don't agree with the whole cold blooded part, but if we are being honest, then yes, I would say that I am a monster" He sighed. "But I could stop what I'm doing. All you have to do is give me a small piece of information. Where is your father?" 

"I don't know." 

"Well, until you figure it out" Two more gunshots went off. "You won't know where those two bullets went." 


Hello my lovely readers! Sorry it took me almost a month to update.. But I hope you like this chapter. 

Don't forget to favorite comment and follow me. Check out my polyvore also for more outfits and characters for my future books. 

I love all of you you helped me make crossfire this sucessful thank you agian. LOVE YOU!!!! BIYAS

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