99 ∞ dreamscape

Start from the beginning

Not human? Concerned? Danny was sure he hadn't misheard but, at the same time, he was sure he had. That implied non-humans had been watching this planet for a long time. That can't be, that's... science fiction. He shook his head to himself, frowning. If that were science fiction, then he was living it, right here, right now. A part of himself still felt slightly dazed from the past few days of surreal experiences—like he was living a living dream. And pinching himself didn't help one bit.

Mickmi looked up from her contemplation. "What is their attitude toward us? Know they our situation, why we are here?"

"I think so, my Queen. They saw our accidental entrance into this dimension. I am certain they have observed our actions as carefully also."

"Can you communicate with them again? We need to secure their assistance if we are to return home. We are a disruptive factor in this world and we need help to rebuild our own civilization."

Selina dipped her head and smiled. "I know the mental signature of one of them. I can communicate directly with Biyoun. I can not speak on their behalf but I think they will help us."

Mickmi nodded thoughtfully, then reached for Danny's hand on the armrest. "Daniel, remember you I spoke of tiny machines around me, helping me at all times?"

"Yeah. You told me they're smart... and can do anything you tell them... But I don't understand how that's possible," he looked down at his filigree shirt, "or how they managed to make this."

"It is not possible to really explain them without extensive knowledge of nano-technology. But the basics are simple. Nano-robots, nanobots for short, are very small machines, smaller than the ones you saw—the size of a cell or bacterium, designed to carry out simple tasks. Each one is equipped with a microprocessor—like a microscopic brain—and an anti-gravitational generator, a receptor-emitter, and small arms-actuators."

"Wait, small arms? I thought you said you don't have—"

"Nay, nay." Mickmi chuckled. "Arms with hands. Kind of."

"Oh! Of course."

"The nanobots work in a way similar to ants. An individual ant can not do much. But when millions of ants coordinate, they can do extremely complex tasks.

"There are different designs for different tasks—like medical or Medibots, and others for more general use. When simple nanobots can not execute a task individually, at least three of them group into a new unit. We call those units of interlinked nanobots working together, 'Nanites'. Nanites are exponentially more capable than the original, individual nanobots. At the next level, a grouping of coordinating Nanites will create a... pseudo-individuality, a sub-personality. That's a 'Nanentity'." 

"Okay..." Danny said as she paused to make sure he was with her. "Like an R2-D2?" 

She tilted her head quizzically.

"Like a robot might have kind of a personality?"

"Aye, you understand well. And we can communicate with them and they will respond, and control or relay commands to the sub-Nanos. They can do much – more – complex – work."

"Like... like changing our clothes into this?"

"That would be the Nanites."

"Nanites created those helmets out of nothing?"

"In a manner of speaking, aye—and a lot more. Nanites created the helmets out of surrounding resources—matter in the air, on the ground, out of anything static and non-living, whatever is the easiest accessible that is suitable for their purpose. If they are not of sufficient numbers, they will self-replicate, multiplying themselves using any suitable elements in their vicinity. Nanites are what formed my I.A. sinnesband... which was connected to the implant in my brain."

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