Chapter 26: Graduation

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Tris' pov

Today is our graduation

I am a little nervous but I'm also excited. Me and Toby have been hanging out and agreed that we will not break up after graduation or when we go to college.

Me and Christina are currently in my room getting ready. I bought a black dress that ends at my knees. Christina bought a light purple dress with a black bow in the back. We both bought black stilettos for the big day.

We take our maroon and black graduation gowns and caps and put them on after we do our makeup.


"Tris Prior and Four " our student attendant calls from the stage. Me and Toby come from both sides of the stage and meet at the middle. After the woman gives us our diploma's I walk towards the stairs but before I can reach them Tobias picks me up, twirls me around, and kisses me. He sets me down and takes my hand. We walk down the stairs, everyone applauding and hollering making me blush.


Everyone is called and the gang and I decide to go to the dauntless diner for cake before we go on the trip every graduate goes on.

It was a good day



Hey guys km sorry I haven't updated in a while. Excuses, writers block, more excuses. Anyways I hope you like this chapter. Oh and before you leave! I have wrote a new book.  Another supernatural book. I know. I'm obsessed. Don't worry about it. I hope you all like it!

Stay cool my duckies!

macie kay

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