Chapter 8: Candor or Dauntless Part 3

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We walk out and see Molly walking with Peter and Drew down the street. ' Oh god this will be good!' I think to myself.

"Alright here we go" Zeke says and runs up to Molly and has a mini make-out sesh, then gets down on one knee and says "Molly, my beautiful petunia, I have always loved you and always will. So will you do me the favor of becoming my wife?" "Omg I thought you didn't even know my name and of course!" she says smiling and bouncing up and down.

Zeke gets up off his knee and slaps Molly across the face and says, pretending he's crying "I thought you loved me but then you go whore it up with that jerk! How could you? I loved-sniff- you!" 

Molly looked at him in complete and utter shock, then said " But baby i do love you!"

'This is the best!'  I think to myself.

"No bitch don't start apologizing you ruined this!" Zeke says then stomps away.

Molly sunk to the ground and started crying saying 'what did I do?!?!?!'. She was now in complete hysterics.

"Dude that was absolutely amazing!!!" I said looking at Zeke while laughing.

"Thank you, thank you." He said bowing.

We go back into the house with me laughing as hard as I could possibly laugh, and Zeke looking superior.

"What happened out there we heard yelling but it was all muffled?" Tris said

I just tossed her my phone since I recorded the whole thing on video. By the end of the video everyone was laughing and clutching their stomachs.

"Well I'm getting pretty tired and we have school tomorrow so we should get to bed." Tris says.

"But it's only-" I say looking at the clock realizing its 2:30 in the morning. "Never mind yeah lets go to bed. Sleepover at Bea's house?" I ask Tris.

"Why not?" she said shrugging. "Okay Marlene and Uriah get this bedroom across the hall, Zeke and Shauna get the room next to the game room, Will and Christina get the room on the third floor, of course me and Four get my room, and Lynn you can have the room with the kitchen on the top floor on the right at the end of the hall." 

"Thanks Tris!" we all yell at the same time.

Tomorrow is the day I meet Tris on the football to ask her something important! I can't wait!

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