Chapter 24: Date Night Pt. 2

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Uriah' pov

When I get to Kaylee's house I notice I am extremely nervous. I compose myself and go and ring the doorbell, and almost immediately Johanna, Kaylee's mom, answers the door and yells how dapper I look. I see Kaylee and my mouth falls to the floor. She looks beautiful. Wait not beautiful, gorgeous.

"wow. Kaylee you look extravagant! " I say taking her hand and spinning her around. When she giggles I notice that I am really falling for this girl.

Johanna yells for Richard, her father, to get the camera, and snaps a few pictures before we go. When we get to my car I tell Kaylee how beautiful I think she looks and she tells me that I look handsome.

"where are we going? " Kaylee asks.

" it's a surprise. "I say and I can feel the excitement blossoming out of my expression.

Kaylee says okay and turns to look out the window.

"You know I'm really excited for tonight."  I admit to her.

"So am I." she says smiling. I reach over and take her hand carefully, like it could shatter at any moment. She responds by wrapping her hand around me and smiling at me.

We arrive at the restaurant I made reservations for.

"Oh my god, Uri! Prosecco?!!?! This is the fanciest restaurant in Chicago! " Kaylee exclaims.

" Only the best for you, Kay." I smile.

We walk in and go to the podium and tell the waitress my name for our reservation.

"Right this way Mr. Pedrad " she says taking us to our table right by the window, overlooking the city.

" Uriah this is beautiful! " Kaylee gasps.

" Hello, I am Gerard, and I will be your waiter tonight, Can I offer you young couple drinks?"  Gerard says.

"Yes please I will have a virgin strawberry daiquiri. " Kaylee says examing the menu.

"Okay and for you young sir?"

"I will have an ice tea, with lemon please. " I reply.

" Okay I will be back momentarily with your drinks. Please look over the menu and select your entrees for tonight."

"Thank you Gerard." I reply smiling and knowing who is getting a good tip tonight.

Me and Kaylee make small talk while we wait for our drinks.

"here are your drinks. What can I get you this fine evening? "

" May I please get the Petto Di Pollo Gratinato" Kaylee says politely.

"Yes you may, and for the gentleman? "

"Um I would like the spaghetti Ala Diavola please."

"okay your orders will be out shortly. "

"Thank you very much" I say and turn towards Kaylee.

"Uriah this is truly the best date I have ever been on. " she says smiling.

"Me too. Probably because it's with you."  I say and take her hand from across the table.

"How did you become such a gentleman?" she asks.

"I guess I was just born that way." I sat smiling lovingly at her.

"I feel like I have been waiting for you my whole life." I admit to her.

"I feel the exact same way. "

Our food comes and we eat, talk and laugh, then leave, giving Gerard a 15 dollar tip.

I drive Kaylee home and stop in front of her house.

" I had a great time tonight. " I say smiling at her.

"So did I. We should do it again. How about next Friday, movies? My treat?"  she says she holding my hand (which we were doing all the way from the restaurant.)

"definitely except I'm paying. " I say.

" okay thanks Uri see you next Friday. " she says turning but before she could exit the car, I grab her arm and kiss her passionately. She immediately kisses back. I feel fireworks and know it is meant to be. She pulls away blushing.

"Bye Uri."  she days and pecks me on the lips one more time.

"Bye Kay. " I say still dazed.

She laughs and walks up to the front door, turning around, waves and blows me a kiss. I pretend to catch it and press it on my lips. She laughs again and enters the house.

I am head over heels for Kaylee Claire Olsen.

~ Authors Note : Please excuse any spelling or punctuation errors, I wanted to get an update out quick and I will edit it soon! ~

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