Chapter 23:Date Night

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Uriah's pov

Tonight I go on a date with Kaylee. I am super excited because Kaylee is beautiful. I will call her to see if she is ready for tonight.

ring ring ring.

"Kaylee here."

"Hey Kay it's Uri."

"Oh hey Mr. Pedrad. How are you this wonderful afternoon?" Kaylee says rather properly.

"Well I am great Ms. Olson. How are you?"

"I am extremely excited for our date tonight!!!"

"Me too. I need to tell you that we are going to a fancy restaurant so make sure to wear an elegant dress."

"Okay Uri, I will. Pick me up at 7, lover." And with that Kay hung up.

It was already 4 so I only had 3 hours to get ready. Oh my god! I'm turning into a girl.


Switch Pov's!

Kaylee's Pov.

I am so excited to go out with Uriah tonight he is such a sweet guy, and cute too!!! When he asked me to go out with him I literally jump out of my chair and squealed like a fangirl.

It is 4:30 so I will have to start getting ready now.

My mother has a dress from when her and my dad went out on their first date to North Pond 20 years ago. It is a long, deep blue dress that has small rhinestones. there are alot at the chest, but they get less and less while you look down so there is only a few specks of sparkle when you reach the bottom of the dress. My mother and I are the same size so the dress fits me perfectly.

I get out of the shower and go into my room and open my trunk which holds the dress and my nicest shoes and lay them out on the bed. I look at the dress and realize something that makes it even better. It is strapless!

I move over to my vanity by my window and start doing my makeup. I decide to just go simple and use a light brown and pink eye shadow blend meant for brown eyes. 

Once i'm done making my big  brown eyes look as good as they can, I move onto my sandy blonde hair. I put my hair in loose curls then put a braid going from the top left of my scalp going down.

 When I finish I look at the clock 6:58. Uriah will be here any minute now. I put my dress and shoes on. I grab my purse when I hear the doorbell go off, but before I get to the door, I hear my mother screech and go 'OOH Uriah you look so dapper!!!'. I mentally facepalm myself for not getting to the door quick enough, but when I walk down the stairs I am glad that my mother answered the door so I got to see Uri's face when I come down the stairs.

"Wow. Kay you look extravagant!" He said taking my hand and spinning me around while I giggle at the complement and spinning.

"ROBERT BRING THE CAMERA!!!" my mother once again screeches but this time to my dad.

"My father comes running in holding the camera. "Oh Robert Hunny! look how beautiful Kaylee looks and how dapper Uriah looks!!"

My mother is very hyper... Like a squirrel on meth!

My mom and dad snap a few pictures and then Uriah leads me out to his car.

Before he gets in I examine him fully for the first time tonight. He is wearing a deep blue shirt, which matches my dress but without the sparkles, and black slacks. His hair is in a quiff and he looks extremely handsome.

"You look beautiful tonight Kay." Uriah says looking into my eyes.

"Thank you. You look very handsome tonight Uri."

"Thank you." he chuckles then starts the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask getting quizzical.

"It's a surprise." He says looking excited. 

Well I should be ready for anything, knowing Uriah.

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