Season 1-18 (Something Wicked This Way Comes)

Start from the beginning

"So why are you playing alone?" She asked Sarah.

"My friends are sick in the hospital. My friends that aren't sick, their mommies keep them at home so they don't get sick." She explained. Hayden paused.

"They're all sick?" Hayden asked.

"Yep. Mommy doesn't let me play outside for long because I might get sick too." Sarah said. Hayden nodded and continued playing. She pushed back the icky feeling she got and decided to enjoy her short time with her new found friend.

Of course, she loved helping Sam and Dean with the hunts, but a normal life was never too far in the back of her mind.


Sam leaned on the impala as Dean approached him from across the street with two coffee cups in his hand.

"Well," Dean started as he handed Sam his coffee, "the waistress thinks that the local Freemasons are up to something sneaky, but other than that, nobody's heard anything weird going on." He finished.

"Dean you got the time?" Sam asked staring intensely at the park where Hayden was playing. Dean stopped and looked at his watch.

"10 after 4:00. Why?" He replied.

Sam nodded his head to what he was staring at. "What's wrong with this picture?" He asked.

Dean looked forward seeing what Sam was looking at. The empty playground, except for Hayden, Sarah and Sarah's mother.

Dean frowned as Hayden stood on top of the jungle gym like she was the queen of the world.

"I beat you! I'm the queen of the world!" She cheered as she laughed with Sarah.

"Hayden should not be standing on top of that thing. She'll hurt herself." He said.

Sam pauses and slowly turned to look at his brother, not expecting that answer.

"Dean." He said.

"Right. Uh... Kids... School's out, isn't it?" He asked. Sam nodded and replied with a small 'yeah'.

"So where is everybody?" He asked. Dean frowned looking at the empty playground.

"This place should be crawling with kids right now." Sam stated.

Dean walked over to the woman on the bench, who was reading a magazine as her daughter played around with Hayden.

"It sure is quiet out here." He said catching her attention. She quickly glanced at him and gave her child a look before turning back to her magazine.

"Yeah, it's a shame." She said.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"You know, kids getting sick. It's a terrible thing." She replied while looking at her daughter and Hayden climb another one of the playground contraptions.

"How many?" Dean asked as he also watched the two girls.

"Just five or six. But serious, hospital serious. A lot of parents are getting pretty anxious. They think it's catching and honestly, I'm starting to agree." She replied.

Hayden had looked over to Dean and smiled as she made her way back to the ground. Once her feet hit the dirt (making Dean sigh in relief), she ran to him.

"Daddy!" She yelled joyfully. Dean smiled and scooped her into his arms. "Daddy, is it time to go already?" She asked.

"Unfortunately." He said.

"Awe. Can't we stay a little longer? It's been so long since I played in one of these." She asked.

"No Hayden. We have to get going. Maybe later, okay?" He replied.

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