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*Calum's POV*

Over my lifetime thus far, I've been broken. I've lost myself countless times and I probably will a thousand times more. I've suffered hardship and pain, belittling myself along the way.

I've endured, I've pulled through just as many times as I've been put down by life, myself and fate going against me completely, but here I still stand. Still moving forward, growing stronger each and every passing day.

As much as I try, I don't think I'll ever forget the hardships I've faced in life. Nor the harsh life lessons that I've encountered because in the end, they make me strong, strong enough to last each passing day. Strong enough to know tomorrow will be better than the next no matter how horrible things seem to be going.

Everything I've been through makes me the strong person I've become today. He's made me strong.

It's amazing how fast time can pass you by, how quickly four years can quickly pass, almost within the blink of an eye.

The last four years have strengthened me as a person, strengthened us.

I've learned how not to depend on someone for everything you seek in life such as happiness, stability, and comfort. You need to be your own person.

When Luke and I went off to college, we weren't our own people. We were conjoined, so dependent on one another for the other's happiness, which makes a life less worthy of living.

We couldn't live like that. We didn't live like that.

After our freshman year of college, we did breakup and although it brought me to a depressed state in my life, I never wanted to go back to that. It made me stronger, it's made us stronger.

Loving someone isn't just about how you feel when you're with that specific person, but how you feel without them when they aren't near. You shouldn't only feel those feelings when with that person and nothing without because that isn't living. That isn't being your own person and that's what began Luke and I's problems.

The first month of school was simple. It was easy driving out to see each other whenever we pleased because neither of us had particularly anything difficult to do regarding school just yet. But as the months continued, school got difficult which wasn't a surprise to either of us in the slightest.

Things got difficult. Things got complicated and sooner or later, everything just stopped, the constant calling, the constant surprise visiting, the good morning and goodnight messages. It all just disappeared as if we were strangers to one another who hadn't spent the last year of our lives fighting for one another. And whenever the gestures did suddenly make a reappearance, they never felt the same. We never felt the same. I missed him, all of him, but there was nothing I could've done about it at the time. He was busy and I couldn't bring myself to blame him for that. Luke was chasing his dreams, prospering life in ways he didn't even think possible.

This went on the whole year, that is until that June he came to surprise me with a visit.

I can still remember the way he looked, tired and drained. I was happy to see him, well I assume I was happy, but not like this.

We felt like two different separate people, it felt odd, scary even and later that night we found ourselves calling it off, not for good, but for now.

And although it had felt like I lost him, lost myself months ago, it felt all the more real escaping from his lips. I felt this tug in my heart watching him leave that night. I felt myself breaking eternally and he wasn't any better.

It was in that moment Michael's last spoken words erupted into my thought process being a constant reminder that he was right all along, he'd always be right, he'd always win. Because like he said, Luke would leave me. We wouldn't last. I'd never find stable happiness happiness within a person who was actually willing to stay. He was right.

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now