Chapter 23

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I'm awakened by the sight of the sun seeping in through the glass transparent windows. I try to open my eyes, but I completely shut them at the slightest sight of the sun. Slowly, I begin to get up while groaning. Where the fuck am I? I sit up straight while beginning to squint my eyes, trying to adjust to the brightness of my still unknown location.

As my vision begins to clear, I can make out that I am still in my house. I'm in my living room, laying on the couch in front of the television. Why aren't I in my room?

My mother begins to talk in the other room which I assume is the kitchen. I try to make out what she's saying while trying to recall how the hell I ended up in our living room of all places. Sadly, I don't make out everything. The conversation she currently holding is barely audible from where I am in the living room as I sit up again the couch.

"Yes. He showed up here."

"No, I don't know whether Calum remembers or not."

"I got home and Calum was on the couch passed out while he was sitting next to him."

"I don't even know how he found the house!"

"No, I will not let him see Calum. I refuse for them to see each other and for Calum to end up just like him. I'm his mother and I will do everything in my power to prevent that!"

"I don't give a fuck whether they're blood or not. I brought him into this world so I get to decide what happens."
My mom keeps replying to whoever she's on the phone with angrily, but completely sure of herself.

Suddenly, a faint memory comes back into instant replay in my mind.

I make my way to the door and swing it open, hoping it's my mom, but to my surprise, it's a tall man dressed nicely in a black and white suit, the jacket buttoned up all the way with his arms at both his sides. He looks at me surprised as if he didn't know I lived here and I stare right back at him in shock and disbelief. I feel my legs about to give out beneath me.

The last thing I can mutter is, "Dad?" before everything goes black around me.

My dad? Is that who she's talking about? What the hell? He couldn't be here. Not in Amsterdam. Not here of all places. Why here? Shouldn't he be in California? What does she mean I can't fucking see my own father? Wait, what if she isn't even talking about my father? What if my mind is playing tricks on me? There is no possible way I could've seen my father last night and if I did, why the fuck did I pass out? If it is my father she's referring to, why the fuck can I not see him? He's a perfectly fine man. Just because he left my mother, that suddenly makes him bad? No it doesn't. It shouldn't at all. I have so many questions for him. This isn't fair! This isn't fair at all.

As questions and doubts began to fill my head, suddenly causing me to gain a headache, I replay what happened last night, and who I saw exactly. Replaying the image over and over again in my head, I know for a fact it was my father. He still had his tall, slightly built appearance, his dark brown hair a little shorter then it was last time I recall, but still after all these months, he still held the same appearance. The same appearance I would always come home to for advice, the same appearance that would show me so much genuine care and compassion. "HOW THE HELL DID I FUCKING PASS OUT?" I ask myself while yanking at my hair.

If my phone hadn't rung in the next 10 minutes, I would've pulled out all my hair and my mom wouldn't have come into the living room to check on me.

As she came into the room, I held my hand up to show her I was going to answer my phone.

"Hey, Cal," Luke's sweet voice came in through the phone. I smile lightly at how the sound of his voice makes me calm. Well, calmer than I was a couple minutes ago.

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora