Chapter 50

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*Luke's POV*

The next morning, I originally planned on staying in and catching up on sleep, but my phone had other plans for me when it suddenly began to ring loudly from my nightstand table.

At first, I decided on ignoring it completely, hoping that whoever the hell it was would just call back later, leaving me to fall back into peaceful sleep, but like most things, I was wrong. Whoever called I assumed called again because as soon as the ringing stopped, it started back up again, resulting in me to reach toward the table from the middle of my bed in attempt to get my cell phone.

When I finally did successfully get my phone from the night stand, the ringing stopped so I threw it next to me on the bed, turning my body in the comfortable blanket before deciding on picking up my phone to see who called. Swiping my finger to unlock my phone, I'm met with two missed calls from Calum. My finger hovers over his contact name labeled "Love," nervous at all the possibilities as to why he's calling me this early in the morning.

"Are you okay?" I find myself asking quickly when Calum's breath becomes audible through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Calm down, babe," he laughs off.

"Why'd you call two times in a row so early in the morning then?" I ask, holding my annoyance back from my sleep being disrupted at the sound of him calling me babe.

"Why didn't you answer two times in a row?" Calum mocks my worried tone in response.

"It's this thing called sleep, you know, people my age tend to do it a lot, especially early morning hours on weekend because lack of school," I retort wiping the sleep from eyes and sitting myself up against the headboard of the bed, holding the phone to my ear.

"It's 2 in the afternoon," he says, causing me to groan while wiping my eyes again and trying to look at my cable box for confirmation.

"Too early, love," I whine, leaning my head back against the wall tiredly. "What's going on?"

"I can't just simply call my boy-" Calum stutters though the line, trying to stop himself. "I was calling to see if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight," he says trying to recollect himself, but it's too late. I knew what he was going to say and now a part of me just wished he would say it and mean it.

"Just the two of us?" I ask curiously, fully awake at the almost slip of the word.

"No. My dad wants to meet you."

"How'd that come about?"

"I sold Steven out about that girl he's infatuated with, so our dad is making him invite her to dinner tonight."

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because he sold me out on our date yesterday for $40," he tells me annoyed. "So then to get me back again, he offered you'd come to dinner too, so I'm asking you because he really wants to meet you."

"Why?" I ask. "It doesn't really seem like you want me to meet him," I finish off, trying my best not to sound as hurt as I actually am by Calum's tone of explanation.

"If I'm being honest with you, I'm just actually really scared," he tells me and I nod my head before realizing Calum can't see my actions.

"I'm scared because he's going to ask a million questions that neither of us have answers to. Sure we've been on this fucked up roller coaster we consider our relationship for months, but we just got back to being okay and I don't know where this is going, you don't know where this is going and neither of us know what we're doing, but-"

"But meeting your father is a big step to you," I finish for him as he whispers a yes in response.

"If you don't want me going tonight, I won't. We can wait it out and see where time takes us."

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now