Chapter 14

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*Lulu's POV*

I sat in 5th period science, bored out of my mind, talking to Paul.

We had a free class and we couldn't get a sub to replace Mrs Finkle.

I lookd around me. It was a small class, not many people took on science.

Me and Paul were in the middle, some boys sat infront, talking about random stuff. And then in the very back was Grace and Luke, acting all Lovey-dovey.

One second they're sucking the face off eachother, and the next they're like Romeo and Juliet.

I looked down at the, and Grace caught me. She gave me a dirty look, and Luke leaned in, smirked, and gently kissed her cheek.

God, I hate them so much!

What did I ever do to them?

I brushed it off, and went back to talking to Paul.

The bell for lunch soon went, and we all filed out of the class room, Luke giving Grace a piggy back. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

We entered the lunch hall, and sat down at our usual table.

There was a long, awkward silence.

After about 10 minutes, Ashton, who was usually the quiet one, spoke.

"So, erm, how's Leah, Mikey?", he asked, making us all tear up, Grace and Luke included.

"She, eh, yeah, um sh-she's doing, uh, b-better. Yeah.", he nodded his head, trying to smile, but choking on tears.

Another silence.

"I was my fault, wasn't it? If I hadn't came onto Michael, this wouldn't have happened!", Paul finally let tears fall.

We all did by this point.

Suddenly Mikey stopped crying, looked Paul dead in the eye and said, "No. I broke up with Leah not only because I love you, but because the spark was going out between me and her. It's not your fault, so don't think that!".

He then stood up, told us all to meet him in 10 minutes outside near the supply shed, and left.

We all began looking at eachother, confused.

Ofcourse, I was the only one who knew what this was about, he was going to propose a second time infront of everyone, but I had to play along.

*Mikey's POV*

This was it. Now or never.

I had to let her know that it wasn't her fault.

I had already talked about this with Leah, and eventually, she agreed with me, and said she supported me with my decision.

I had 10 minutes to get myself mentally prepared, and think about what to say.

Those 10 minutes soon flew in though, as I soon found everyone gathered around me.

I looked at Lulu and she nodded, and pushed Paul, who clearly knew what I was doing, towards me.

Everyone's faces froze.

"Hi, Paulina...", I smiled nervously.

Did I just say Paulina? I thought to myself. Smooth, Michael, real smooth!

"Okay, uh, Paul, I li-love you. I always had feelings for you since we met back when we were just kids. I just didn't understand them until recently. You helped me through so many hard times, and you never failed to stand up for me. You're the light behind my eyes, and the reason for my smile. You made me the person I am today. Thanks for the memories, and thanks, in advance, for the ones we'll make in the future... Well, that is, if you say yes. Marry me, Paul, marry me?", I finished, almost proud of myself.

I couldn't even see the others anymore. All I could see was Paul, and how beautiful she looked. It seemed more special this time, having all of our friends here.

"Michael Clifford, you cheese ball, I'll marry you, on one condition!", she gave me a smirk.

"You have to buy me pizza for dinner!", she smiled, making me laugh.

I smiled and whisped to her, "Hai, you never said anything about pizza the first time!".


Haii, so this isn't Lousie, this is her friend Grace (@KilljoysAndThugpugs).

She asked me to write this and I know it's short and really crappy, but atleast something (slightly) interesting happened!

Follow me and check out my book 'Dreams' (Louise named it)! It's a Johnnie Guilbert and 5sos fanfic!

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