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I thought we would enter the library to meet his mother but I was sorely mistaken. As soon as we had entered the room the wind was knocked out of me as my back hit a shelf of nearby books. Dust scattered across us both as I focused and realised Loki had shoved me angrily against them. Pain flared in my spine and hands as they instinctively pressed against his chest, tingles sparking in my veins-

My eyes widened as he narrowed in on me and I stood frozen. What in the hell is happening?!

 "Just who do you think you are?" he seethed suddenly, his eyes were sharp and mine wide in shock at this mood shift. He's so close I can feel his breath on my cheeks!


Couldn't manage a single word.

His lip curled in frustration and suddenly I wish I had managed at least one word of an explanation to him.

 "You held very important literature that holds very important and sacred enchantments and by doing so burnt yourself, do you take me to be so naive that a fire so little could have done such damage?" His cold hand encircled my wrist and held it between both of our faces. I gulped,

The tingling sensation was a mix of pain and-


Before I was vexed by him but now,

now it was something entirely different flowing through my head,

now it was fear.

His stature was tall and radiated confidence in his words though he was breathing heavily completely bewildering me as I stood beneath him. The jagged shelf making an uncomfortable crick in my back as I pressed hard against it hoping it'd swallow me whole,

my brows creased. I had no words for him. Yet as I stared into his eyes with my own mixture of emotions whirling something hid beneath this anger, something deeper.

The library was no longer quiet, his and my jagged breathing echoed throughout. It was all I could focus on as well as the growing pain in my wrist he encircled so roughly. The grip seemingly feeling tighter and tighter around it so much so I thought it'd snap.

"I cast a hex on any that are not Asgardian to suffer the wrath of the book when held!" His face drew near and my breath caught in the back of my throat. His cold hand tightened even further and I winced as his voice deepened, 

"So what exactly are you?"

He was scared.

"Darling? are you in here?" 

Immediately his shadow was no longer cast over me. Air returned to my lungs and my hand free'd to be pressed against my racing heart. A completely different god took his place as he straightened out and turned  toward the sound of Frigga who smiled his way as she entered from behind where he was. I quickly straightened and stepped away from being pressed against the shelving as he greeted her.

His voice was soft and tenderly and I had to blink enough to realise this was the same man who carried such a menacing aura only a few seconds ago.

Fighting Illusions | Loki FanFiction RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now