Wrongful Chatter

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It was a silent and awkward journey back to his chambers and as soon as we had reached them he opened the doors and stepped in turning to face me with a sneer "you are dismissed" before I could blink the door was slammed shut with a deafening echo. 

I rubbed my ear as it rang loudly "sometimes he acts like such a meyla" (little girl)

 though even that would be an insult to little girls, I knew far more that had better manners than he. I let out a puff of air before turning on my heel down for the maids quarters, maybe there would be some scraps for me to eat. My stomach ached and I rubbed it absentmindedly as I tried to navigate just where in the hell I was. 

It seemed every pillar was identical from the last, every wall decor and marbled tile never changing. I mashed my teeth together. All because he wanted me to pour him that stupid mead, did he not have hands himself? was he not capable of pouring the bottle inches away from him?

That son of a-


I froze before quickly turning to face the sound, 

a guard, finally, another being  nearby that I could ask an instruction of. I sighed and passed a light smile pretending as though I had not about to spiral into internal chaos,

 "Is it that obvious?" I managed, and his dark brown brows eased into a sense of understanding as I approached his post. A tangy smell of iron and metal radiated off of his shiny armour that I didn't know could even have a smell. Perhaps it was my heightened senses from earlier inhaling the whole buffet. 

"You've passed by me three times, I was going to say something on the third however I was rather curious to see if you'd somehow make it back around for a fourth"

I couldn't contain my laugh, it bounced off the walls around us as he joined with a chuckle. "I really would have appreciated your input two rounds ago, Im starving and trying to locate the maids head quarters, I managed last time but now I am at a complete loss" I admitted defeatedly and he smiled a smile that crinkled the edges of his blue eyes and nodded, he looked older than me but not significantly so and no facial hair either,

"go straight down this hall to the end and take a right, from there go left and it'll be just down the end of that hall" I smiled gratefully "Thank you" I held out my hand to shake his "Arawn" I chipped, "it is truly not a problem, I'm Kaliray" he shook my hand. 

"I'll see you around Kaliray" I waved off from down the hall "see you around Arawn" he called and I set off with the right instructions.


The next morning was as far less eventful than yesterdays, me and Thyra were up early and I'd managed to find some left over bread and soup to reboil last night so I didn't entirely starve. We helped each-other with fitting into our outfits and I tugged at the irritating collar of the shirt. "Must it be buttoned all the way?" I whined looking through our shared mirror to her behind me,

"Unfortunately, yes it must" She murmured as she caught her tongue between her teeth fiddling with her own bow tie on the front. "perhaps he will be more at ease today do you think?" She turned to me hopefully as she asked and I frowned "One can pray" I grumbled before turning away to fix my sleeve cuffs. 

After scuffing on our black simple flats and fixing final strands of hair we both set out to Lokis chambers for a second time. I knocked twice  allowing my knuckles to thud on the dark wood door before it opened. 

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