Why You Should Never Give Up Hope and Strip to Your Underwear

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Why You Should Never Give Up Hope and Strip to Your Underwear

As the encyclopedia known as “Meris” would later inform her, Kidegos (or “Killer Demon Snow Goats” as they are called more formally) are known as some of the deadliest and most vicious creatures alive. Unless of course they are undead, as the growing theory amongst survivors of Kidego attacks suggests.

The only way to know that a Killer Demon Snow Goat is near by is from the noise. Because of their arctic habitat, their long stringy fur is often coated with ice, creating long icicles which make a faint tinkling noise as they bound in and out of the deep snow.

That is how the Snow Goats attack, by bounding. They find areas of deep snow, and wait in the depths, sometimes for weeks (no one knows how they survive) for sufficient sized prey to come within striking distance.

This fact added to the oddity that it was Myra who first heard the noise and not Sam who was well known for his phenomenal auditory range. But soon enough they all heard it. As dozens of Kidegos simultaneously bounded from the snow and surrounded the travelers in a large circle.

The rushing sound of the wind seemed to quiet down with the rising noise of the Kidego’s rattling fur and the accompanying bleating that—whether intended to or not—sounded like ragged war cries. From beneath the snow, the animals suddenly broke through and leaped at the travelers all at once. In that brief moment—while the Killer Demon Snow Goats were in mid-air—Sam made an executive decision that saved their lives and changed their futures (perhaps for the rest of their existence, but definitely for the next day and a half). Whipping out his Crescent Blades he barked the order, “Scatter!” No one even considered disobeying him.

The Kidegos landed as the travelers attempted to move out of the way, resulting in an explosion of snow and people that was (ironically enough), very much like a pile of leaves scattering after someone jumped into it. Myra was thrown upside down into a nearby snowdrift where she quickly sunk to the bottom.

Cold and disoriented, she attempted to right herself by turning around. As she moved she fell through the thin layer of ice she had landed on and tumbled through empty space to the ground a few feet below. Snow fell with her and almost completely covered her body, but after a brief, terrifying moment she noticed that her right hand was not buried by the powdery substance. Flailing her arm around enough to make a small breathing hole, she was soon able to dig herself out. Catching her breath, and calming her heart she eventually became aware of her surroundings.

It was completely dark, it was still cold, and the only noise was that of muffled screams which sounded quite a distance above. A new wave of alarm hit her when she realized that she was completely cut off from the rest of the group and had absolutely no idea where she was.

Using her gloved hands to feel, Myra soon discovered that she was in some sort of tunnel. All surfaces except for the ground were completely iced over, which explained why she fell through a layer of ice when she landed. Since there was no way she would ever be able to dig her way out of the tunnel, Myra decided to follow it and see if it there was an exit anywhere. The passageway was too short to stand up in, but she could easily crawl through it on her hands and knees. Her snowshoes became a bit cumbersome so she took them off and strapped them to the back of her pack. Even though there was no light to judge her surroundings by, she still felt a bit claustrophobic. According to many sources, Hell is all fire and brimstone. But Myra was now sure that it is probably dark, cold and silent.

Before long, she found another tunnel that branched off of the original. Deciding that things couldn’t get much worse if she went in that direction she headed down it. After repeating this scenario several times, Myra came to the conclusion that she was trapped with in an icy labyrinth (of hell) and would probably never find her way out. This led her to her next rash and foolish decision which was to remove all her outer clothing so that she would die faster.

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