corbyn besson • miscarriage

Start from the beginning

"corbyn," you said, shaking his shoulders.

"hm, you okay? what's wrong?" he asked, quickly sitting up.

"i-i'm bleeding," you said softly.

"is it a lot?"

"yeah look," you said. he looked at the sheets and covered his mouth.

"we gotta go to the hospital," he said.

you got out of bed and slipped on a pair of sweatpants and your vans. corbyn quickly got dressed and helped you walk out to the car. he sped to the hospital and rushed you inside.

they took you to a room, giving you a gown to change into. a nurse came in to take some blood tests and other tests. you sat on the hospital bed, corbyn sitting next to you holding your hand.

"i'm sorry corbyn," you whispered.


"it's probably a miscarriage or something wrong with the baby. i'm really sorry."

"no, don't be sorry. it's not your fault. at all."

"it could be something i did."


"mr. and mrs. besson?" your doctor asked. she came in with a clipboard and a not so happy face.

"we have the results from the blood tests, but i'd like to do an ultrasound just to be sure. it's better to try everything and know for sure than to skip something."

"okay," you said. she lay a blanket over your legs and you pulled the hospital gown up. corbyn stood next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

with your previous ultrasounds, they found the heartbeat quickly. this was different. the doctor looked for a while, not showin any facial expressions. i looked at corbyn with fear in my eyes.

"i'm afraid i can't find a heartbeat. which would confirm that you had a miscarriage. i'm so so sorry for your loss. there's nothing that you could've done."

as soon as you heard those words you turned your head into corbyn's chest and immediately started crying. he held you close, rubbing up and down your back.

"i'm so sorry," you whispered repeatedly while corbyn quietly shushed you.

"i'll give you two a minute," the doctor said, closing the door to the room behind her.

"i'm so sorry corbyn. i know that this is what you wanted and what i wanted to. i don't know what i did i'm so sorry."

"y/n, it's not your fault. there's nothing that you or anyone could've done."

"he was kicking just hours ago. what could've happened?" you asked.

"i don't know love," he whispered. he was still holding you tight in his chest, letting you cry on him.


after a few hours, the doctor gave you a choice to have surgery or to let it pass naturally. you and corbyn talked and agreed on what you felt was best.

it was the next afternoon before you could leave the hospital. corbyn wheeled you out in a wheelchair, helping you into the car. he got into the driver's side and just sat there.

you stared out the window, then broke down into tears.

"corbyn why did this happen? we were doing so well, he was doing so well. this isn't fair, we were so happy."

"i don't know y/n." he reached over and rubbed your back.

"this is too much. i cant handle this." you dropped your head in your hands.

"y/n, look at me," corbyn said. you slowly sat up and faced him. his face was tear stained just as much as yours was, but he was trying to be strong for you.

"i know this is hard. there's nothing worse that i could ever imagine happening. but we will get through this. we'll stick together and help each other through this. and when we're ready, we'll try again and we'll be even more careful. get more ultrasounds more tests, anything you want. we will get through this and move on."

you leaned forward and hugged corbyn, holding tightly onto the fabric of his shirt.

"it'll be okay y/n. we'll be okay. i love you."

i just wanted to say that i was not trying to be insensitive or anything like that while writing this, i understand that miscarriages are horrible and i'm sorry for anyone who has had to go through something like that. i just wanted to make that clear, i don't mean to make anyone upset by this.

i promise the next imagines won't be sad like the last two, unless you want them to be. then i'll write more.

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