jonah marais • abusive boyfriend

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"jonah, i need to come over," you said, crying into the phone as you ran out of your apartment into the dark parking lot.

"i'm not home, what's wrong?" he asked.

"where are you? i need to see you." you hurried to your car and got in, looking back towards your apartment to see if he had followed you.

"i'm at the studio. you can come up here if you want. but you're worrying me, what's wrong? is it-"

"yeah. i was handling it but it just got bad so i left." you glanced in your rear view mirror, looking at the cut on your forehead and the bruises on your wrists.

"yeah, i'm at the studio but i can leave for a bit to talk to you. are you okay to drive?"

"yeah i'm fine. i'll call you when i get there."

"okay. be safe."

"i will. bye." you hung up and sped to the studio jonah recorded at. you weren't surprised that he was there so late at night, he worked so much.

you tried to calm your breathing and stop crying but you were still pretty shaky. you were used to this, your boyfriend getting upset with you and getting a little aggressive. you could usually calm him down and only had small bruises from him hitting you, but this time he pushed you so hard you dented the wall. you had bruises and cuts all over you and you just couldn't handle him anymore.

you broke up with him and told him to be gone by the time you came back in the morning. then you left to meet up with your best friend, jonah, who was always there to help you recover from the damage.

you pulled into the parking garage and texted jonah where you were. a few minutes later he was sitting in your passenger seat.

"your face, oh my god," he said. he leaned over the center console to hug you. you slightly winced and he pulled back.

"it's that bad?" he asked. you nodded, taking off your hoodie. you were wearing a tank top and you turned so he could see the bruises and cuts on your back. he then gently grabbed  your wrists and saw the bruises from how tight your boyfriend had grabbed you.

"switch seats, i'm taking you to my apartment," he said.

"will they let you leave?"

"yeah, i just got done recording my part." you nodded and got out of the car going to the passenger seat. jonah drove you to his apartment and helped you inside. you were limping because after you hit the wall you fell to the ground on your knees.

he took you to the bathroom and sat you on the sink. he grabbed the first aid kit and started cleaning your cuts.

"i can't believe i let you stay with him this long," he muttered.

"it's not your fault jo."

"i should've done something. from the first time he hit you, i should've stopped you."

"i thought we were in love, you couldn't have done anything." you shrugged.

"but i should've." you gave him a sympathetic smile. "you dumped him this time right?"

"yeah, i told him to get out." you sighed.

"i know that you loved him. but he didn't love you," jonah said softly.

you nodded, feeling tears in your eyes again. you sniffled as a tear fell down your cheek.

"hey, look at me," jonah said, hooking his finger under your chin so you'd look at him.


"you don't deserve that. he's a piece of shit. you deserve someone who loves you and loves you even more when he's drunk. someone who will take care of you and will give you whatever you want. you deserve to be spoiled. you don't deserve to be thrown into walls."

"every guy that i've tried to have a relationship wit has treated me like shit. no one out there wants to spoil me or anything like that jonah."

"are you sure about that?"

"i'm a hundred percent sure there's no one out there that wants to spoil me. i'm nothing special, i'm not that pretty and i'm annoying and clingy. what kind of guy wants that?" jonah sighed.


"what?" you asked. jonah put his hand on your waist and leaned in and kissed your lips. you were taken back. jonah has been your friend for years, you never thought that he felt that way about you.

you closed your eyes and kissed him back. he pulled away, leaving me speechless.


"don't say anything. i've been your friend for years and i've liked you the whole time. i tried to let you just do what you want because i knew that you didn't feel that way about me, but i couldn't stand seeing y/ex/n treat you the way he was. so here i am telling you that i like you and that i'm the kind of man that you should be with. because i promise that i'll love you and spoil you everyday because that's what you deserve." he smiled at you and you felt your heart melt.

"jonah, i-i don't know that to say." you shook your head.

"i know. and i'm sorry. you're vulnerable right now and i shouldn't have kissed you but i just couldn't help it."

"no, i'm glad that you did. i never thought a guy like you would like me. i mean i always find myself with the bad guys. but you're not a bad guy." you smiled.

"and you're done with those bad guys, because now you're stuck with me." he smiled. you smiled and kissed his lips again.

"thank you jonah."

"of course." he smiled and hugged you, careful not to hurt you.


why don't we imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora