zach herron • touch my body

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"hey guys, it's y/n, here with another video," you said into your camera.

"today i have a special guest with me." as you spoke your boyfriend was standing behind you so no one could see him and he was messing with your hair, making you laugh. "i'm sure you're all familiar with my boyfriend, zach herron."

"what's up!" zach said, coming out from behind you. he sat in the chair next to you.

"so today i thought it'd be fun to do a challenge."

"ooo!" zach said.

"and you're all probably thinking the boyfriend challenge or whatever but no, that's boring."

"so boring." you laughed at zach.

"instead, we're gonna do the touch my body challenge!"


"so basically, for this challenge we just need a blindfold." zach pulled something out from behind you and started waving it around.

"and i happen to have my dirty underwear right-"

"zach stop!" you said, grabbing his arm when he tried to hit you with his underwear.

"what, you don't wanna use my dirty underwear? it's a great blindfold!"

"no. go put them away." he sighed and left to put them away. "he's such a dumbass."

"i heard that!" he called. you laughed and reached over and grabbed a bandana.

"this is the real blindfold we're gonna use, no dirty underwear." zach came back and sat next to you. "we're gonna play three rounds. i'll give zach my hand and he'll touch any part of his body and i have to guess it. and then we'll switch."

"can i be blindfolded first?" zach asked.

"um yeah sure." you took the blindfold and put it around his head, covering his eyes. he stuck his hand out and you grabbed it. you moved your hair behind your ear and touched his finger on your ear lobe.

"what the-" you laughed. you touched it again. "it's like floppy."

he moved his finger back and forth, flicking your ear.

"that's your ear." he laughed.

"yeah, you're right."

"woohoo!" he stuck his arms up. you laughed, shaking your head.

"i'm good at this, okay what's next?" he asked. you took his hand and brought your foot up to it. you stuck his finger between your toes.

"ew, what the heck?" you laughed. "what is that?"

"i don't know." you chuckled.

"is it like between your fingers? or like the corner of your eye? or your nose or something?"

"no." you laughed. he pulled off his blindfold and saw his finger.

"ew!" he yanked his finger back making you laugh.

"okay so you got that one wrong. one more." you laughed.

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