jonah marais • sick

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there were many things that you loved about your boyfriend, jonah. one of them being his work ethic, how determined he was. no matter the circumstances, he was always working.

him and his band mates were at the studio all day and sometimes all night recording songs. and on top of that he has rehearsals for their upcoming tour. he was always busy, but he loved it. he loved working hard to be successful.

today was an important day for jonah. they had just written a new song and we're starting to rehearse for their music video. they didn't usually do choreography, but this time they wanted to change that. so jonah had a whole dance that he had to learn.

jonah had called you the night before inviting you to his rehearsals. of course you wanted to go, so you asked him to pick you up in the morning.

it was now almost nine, when jonah said he'd be there, and you were waiting on him. you were just chilling on your couch watching netflix until he arrived.

eventually, you heard a soft knock on your door. you stood up to go open it and saw jonah standing on the other side, looking sicker than ever.

"baby, what's wrong?" you asked. you grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

"nothing. you ready to go?" he sounded all sniffly and his nose was bright red.

"jonah, you can't go in like this, you're too sick."

"i'm not sick, i'm fine. we have to start rehearsals so we can get the music video done and release it."

"baby, it can wait one more day. you're too sick you can't go."

"i don't wanna make them be behind schedule. i'll be okay."

you put the back of your hand against his forehead, feeling how hot he was.

"you have a fever, you're not going. go get in my bed and i'll call daniel."


"no, you're not going. you need to rest." you rubbed his shoulders and gently pushed him in the direction of your room.

you went to the kitchen to grab some water and some medicine for jonah, then called daniel.

"hey, what's up?" he asked.

"hey daniel, jonah came by to take me to your rehearsals, but he's got a really bad fever. he's really upset, he wants to be at rehearsals you know that, but he needs to rest. is there a way to push it back a couple days or something?" you asked.

"yeah, i'll talk to david and them. tell jonah not to worry about it, to just get better."

"i will, thank you daniel."

"of course." you hung up and heard back towards your room.

you saw a pile of clothes by your bed and jonah shivering underneath the covers.

"aw, my poor baby," you said softly.

jonah rolled over onto his back and sat up. you sat next to him on the edge of the bed and gave him the pills. he swallowed them then lay back down.

"i called daniel and he said that it was fine that you stay home. right now you need to focus on getting better, not learning a dance."

you caressed his forehead and ran your hand through his hair.

"do you need anything?" you asked him quietly.

"i wanna cuddle, but i don't want you to get sick." he pouted his lips. you softly chuckled.

"i think i'll be okay." you went around to the other side of the bed and got underneath the covers.

jonah rolled over and lay his head on your chest with his arm draped over your stomach. you ran your fingers through his hair and rubbed his arm until he fell asleep.

you turned on netflix and watched your favorite show, the volume low so jonah wouldn't wake up.

a few hours later jonah woke up.

"my head is pounding," he complained.

"want more medicine?" you asked him. he nodded and slowly moved off of you. you went to get him more then came back to the room. he took the pills and looked at you with pouty lips.

"what?" you asked him.

"i hate being sick. everything hurts and there's nothing to do," he whined.

"i'm sorry baby. we can watch a movie," you suggested.

"i wanna watch one i haven't seen before."

"you're kinda high maintenance." you chuckled.

"i could be worse." you shook your head and laughed, grabbing the remote to your tv. you let jonah pick out some movie while you got situated in bed with him.

he lay his head on your chest again and you both watch the movie.

once it was over, you went to the kitchen to make jonah some soup. you brought it back to your room and had jonah sit up.

"thank you," he said weakly. you smiled and gave him the soup. while he ate you went to grab more medicine to have in case he needed it.

"what do we do now?" he asked. you laughed.

"nothing, jonah. that's the whole thing. you have to rest to get better."

"but i don't wanna rest."

"too bad. now lay down, we're taking a nap."

you turned your lights off and closed your curtains to make it darker. you crawled into bed and cuddled with jonah.

"i know i suck at being sick, but thank you for taking care of me," he said.

"of course baby. i'm always here for you." you kissed his forehead.

"i love you," jonah said.

"i love you more." you pecked his nose then kissed his forehead.

i love getting sick the week of the concert. but i'm better now so it's all good. i hope you liked this chapter :)

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