zach herron • sick (2)

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"baby what's wrong?" you asked through the phone. your boyfriend, zach, had just called you, but you were confused because he was on tour and should've been meeting fans at that time.

"i don't feel good at all."

"are you sick?"

"i don't know, i think i'm getting sick," he told you. just from the sound of his voice you could tell he was run down.

"i'm sorry baby."

"i just wish you were here. you always make me feel better."

"i wish i could be there too, but i have school tomorrow."

"i know."

"did you leave limelight?"

"yeah, there's only like five minutes left now."

"okay, just make sure you're drinking water and sit down when you can. when brynn and eben are performing lay down in your dressing room and rest. you only have two more shows, you can make it," you told him.

"thank you y/n," he said.

"of course. call me if you need me okay?"

"okay. i love you."

"i love you too. bye."

"bye." you hung up and put your phone on your lap.

you suddenly felt even better about surprising zach. you were at the airport when he called, about to board.

your flight was called, so you grabbed your backpack and headed towards your gate. you texted jack your plans, knowing that if zach did call you, you wouldn't be able to answer.

the two hour flight went by pretty quickly since they had your favorite movie playing. you left the plane and called an uber.

you texted eben as you neared the venue so he could let you in.

"here you go ma'am," your driver said.

"thank you." you smiled and got out of the car, going to the back of the building to find eben waiting for you.

"was he still feeling bad when he went on stage?" you asked as he handed you a badge and walked you through the hallways.

"he just seemed really tired and worn out. and he has a headache."

"how many more songs do they have?" you asked.

"two," he told you. "wait here and i'll send him back after the show."

"okay thank you eben."

"of course." he quickly hugged you then ran back down the hall. you opened the door with the sign on it that said dressing room.

it was scattered with clothes and food. you set your bag on the ground and sat on the couch.

you heard the crowd scream louder than they had been and your attention turned to the tv screen that showed the stage. they had just gone on for i don't belong in this club, the finale.

you watched them all during the song, but mostly zach. this was his favorite song and usually he was jumping around and dancing all over the stage. tonight he was just swaying back and forth and barely moving. you felt bad for him, knowing how overworked he felt sometimes.

the song finished and they waved to the fans then left the stage. your legs started bouncing as you waited for zach. you hadn't seen him in a couple weeks and it was hard for both of you. you hated being apart.

you heard voices down the hall and soon the door opened. it was corbyn and jack.

"hey zach!" they called.

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