jack avery • australia

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you were on a plane to australia, on your way to surprise your boyfriend jack. he was walking the red carpet at an awards show and performing too. your flight wouldn't make it in time to see the show, but you were surprising him back at his hotel.

zach helped you set up the flight and everything, so he paid for wifi. the whole flight you were refreshing your instagram and twitter, your feed being flooded by pictures of jack in a tux.

you hadn't seen jack dress that nice in such a long time, you were practically drooling over every picture. he looked so good. you couldn't wait until you could see him and take it all in in person.

whenever you landed, you grabbed your suitcase and headed towards the exit to find a taxi. no one could pick you up since everyone was busy at the awards show.

zach had sent you the address to the hotel earlier that evening. he even got your name put on the list so you could get a key into the room. he was really helping you out.

you went up to the hotel room and was totally amazed. you opened he windows and saw a clear view of the ocean and the beautiful beach. and the hotel room itself was gorgeous. you spent half an hour just looking at everything.

you lay on the bed for a while, looking at more pictures and videos of jack walking the red carpet and performing. you felt butterflies in your stomach just thinking about seeing him. you were so excited.

zach texted you and said they'd be at the hotel in half an hour so you decided you wanted to look good for jack since he was looking good for you, without really knowing it.

you went to the bathroom and didn't out too much makeup on, but more than nothing. then you brushed your hair and left it natural. you were glad that you shaved before your flight.

you took off your sweatpants and just wore jack's syre hoodie. you had stolen it a while ago and it was definitely your favorite.

you cleaned up all of your stuff then went to sit on the bed. you went on your phone and saw texts from jack. he told you about the show and the carpet and you congratulated him and maybe went a little too far on telling him how good he looked. you already knew that he was blushing in the car with the boys from what you were saying.

zach texted you and said he was on his way to the room. he as supposed to share with jack but he volunteered to stay with jonah since he was usually the fifth one out and got his own room.

you heard the key card on the door beep and then the door opened. you sat up on the bed and waited for jack to notice you. at first he didn't, he just set his suitcase down while looking at his phone. then when he looked up he saw you and jumped.

"oh my- y/n!" he exclaimed. you giggled as jack jumped in the bed and tackled you on a bear hug. he kissed all over your face and neck.

"are you surprised?" you asked, still laughing.

"yeah." he laughed and pulled his face out of your neck and kissed your lips. he pulled away and sat up.

"how are you even here?" he asked.

"zach helped me."

"well thank god for zach," he said. he leaned in and kissed you again.

"i guess now we don't have to talk on the phone," he said with a smirk. you chuckled and bit your lip.

"you're right."

(lol it's gonna get a little ~spicy~  but not that bad just a little warning)

he got up and stood at the end of the bed. you crawled towards him and sat on your knees, untying his tie. jack never took his eyes off of you, watching you intently. you took the tie off and set it beside you. you pushed the jacket off of jack's shoulders and he let it fall off his arms.

jack put his hands on your waist as you unbuttoned his white shirt and kissed all over his chest.

"you wearing anything under that sweatshirt?" he asked seductively.

"i guess you'll have to find out." you winked. his breath hitched and you smirked. he took off his white shirt and put his hands on your face before kissing you. he bit your bottom lip and you moaned as he pulled it away.

he reached for the bottom of your sweatshirt and slowly started lifting it up, teasing himself. he bit his lip when he noticed you were only wearing a bra and underwear.

he unbuttoned his pants and let them drop before crawling over you and making you scoot back. his hand was cold when he touched your side. you pulled his face closer to yours and kissed your lips.

"i still can't believe you surprised me," jack whispered.

"if i knew you were gonna look that good in that tux i would've flown over here a lot quicker." you smirked. he kissed your lips.

"what would you be doing if you weren't here right now?" he asked, trailing his hand down your side and to your core. "hm?"

"mm we both know what we'd be doing if i wasn't here." you winked. he smirked and rubbed you through your underwear.

"fuck jack, i need you now," you whispered.

"i know princess. you've been patient with me and now i'm gonna make it up to you." he kissed your lips again before you both stripped completely.

"mm i love you," jack moaned.

"i love you more jack," you whispered.

i don't usually write stuff like this but like...did you see the boys in those tuxes?

oh and...you're welcome olivia lmao

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