jonah marais • dog park

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"come on bud," you said to your dog. he came running and jumped on you. you chuckled and scratched behind his ears.

"wanna go for a walk?" you asked. he tipped and spun in circles, running to where you normally kept his leash. you grabbed it and hooked it onto his collar.

you grabbed your phone and house keys, leaving your apartment and walking down the stairs. you headed to the dog park that your apartment had in its complex.

it was sunny out, but there was a nice breeze. you had brought a book that you could read while your dog ran around in the

you opened the gate and went inside, then unhooked your dog from his leash. you headed over to a bench and sat down, opening your book and reading.

you heard barking, but your dog was just playing with others so you went back to reading. you then felt your dog lay it's head on your lap.

you smiled and rubbed his head, then noticed that it wasn't your dog. you chuckled and looked at its collar, reading the name sawyer on it.

"hi sawyer," you said, scratching behind his ears. he jumped up on the bench and started licking all over your face. you slightly screamed, but rubbed his back.

"sawyer! oh my gosh, i'm so sorry." you looked up and saw a guy your age pulling sawyer off of you.

"no, i don't mind." you chuckled.

"he's a little too friendly sometimes." he chuckled.

"mine can be he same way. i thought he was mine at first, they're the same breed." you chuckled. as if on cue, your dog came running up to you.

the two dogs sniffed each other and then ran away to chase and play with each other.

"i guess they're friends now." the guy chuckled. "mind if i sit?"

"no, go ahead." you smiled and he sat down.

"i'm jonah by the way." he stuck his hand out.

"y/n." you shook his hand. "do you come to the dog park a lot? i come a few times a week and i haven't seen you before."

"i just moved in actually. a few days ago. b253."

"oh that's right across from me."

"i guess we're neighbors then." jonah chuckled. you smiled and nodded, catching his eye and not being able to pull your gaze away. his eyes were so pretty.

"um, you can totally say no, but do you maybe wanna come over for dinner sometime? i'm assuming you don't know many people if you just moved here."

"i've actually lived in la for a while, i just moved into this apartment recently."

"oh." you looked away, mentally slapping yourself in the face.

"but i'd love to come over for dinner." you looked back and saw him smiling.


"yeah sure. do you cook?"

"yeah i do."

"cool, me too. we can cook something together."

"that sounds great." you smiled.

"give me your number, we can figure out a time when we're free." he handed you his phone and you put his number in your phone.

"i'm actually free right now, we could cook a late breakfast?"

"yeah sure."

"great." you both stood up and called your dogs over. you hooked the leashes back on and headed up to your apartment.

"it's kinda messy but..."

"no it's fine." you let your dog off his leash and jonah did the same. the dogs both went running into the living room.

you and jonah scoured your kitchen for ingredients. he showed you his favorite breakfast recipe and you did the same. there were a couple awkward moments, but for the most part you were laughing and smiling the whole time.

little did you know that cooking together would be you and jonah's favorite thing to do together as a couple.

hey guys it's me the worst updater in the whole world :)
sorry i literally disappeared for like three weeks, if you even care i don't really know but yeah. i just didn't like anything i wrote and gave up. but i'm back and i decided that to make it easier on me these imagines are gonna be a little shorter. i hope y'all are okay with that
i hope you liked the chapter :)

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